DUMBO is the Brooklyn neighborhood that’s Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass, just to the north of my neighborhood and a hot spot for people who like living in old factories, visiting the Etsy office, and having very little access to public transportation. It also has some of the most beautiful views of the city, though, and the food and shopping scenes would make it a destination even if the photo opportunities didn’t.
It’s approximately a ten-minute walk from our apartment, which means I’ve been there exactly three times since moving to Downtown Brooklyn nearly three years ago. Luckily, my friend Ash loves to do photography walks of different NYC neighborhoods, especially now that she’s moved to Connecticut, and she invited my landlord/roommate/former co-worker/friend Jack and me up there one weekend recently to explore.
Whoever had the foresight to paint the Manhattan Bridge this insane color is my BFF:

Some simple, perfect iced coffee from the Brooklyn Roasting Company:

“Be Bklyn, Be Bold” outside of the Dabney Lee stationary store:

THE iconic DUMBO shot of the Empire State Building through the Manhattan Bridge arch:

Apricot flan and a French macaron at Almondine Bakery:

Ash showing off her Big Daddy Bar at Jacques Torres Chocolate:

Look! Someone’s attempting to make a Brooklyn lock bridge a la Paris:

The Manhattan skyline with the addition of One World Trade Center right there in the middle:

The Statue of Liberty off in the distance at sunset:

This isn’t street art; it’s just lazy:

Roasted pork baby ribs at AlMar:

Jack’s whooooole fish:

The perfect finish at the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory: