Monthly Archives: October 2013

Off to the Circleville Pumpkin Show 2013!

Filed under no i really do love ohio
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The Circleville Pumpkin Show is better than Christmas for me. There aren’t presents, but there are blocks and blocks of pumpkin whoopie pies, pumpkin burgers, pumpkin fudge, pumpkin milkshakes, pumpkin pizza, pumpkin waffles, pumpkin chili, chocolate-covered pumpkin cheesecake on a stick, pumpkin buckeyes, and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and then also everything deep-fried in the world. It’s right next to my hometown, and some of my fondest childhood memories are of walking around the streets of Circleville with my mom and little sister, freezing our tiny fingers off and not caring at all.

As an adult, I look forward to going with my BFF, Tracey, her husband, and as many of our friends as we can and meeting my dad and stepmom there for stromboli from this one particular booth that does it best. This year, my roommate/landlord/former co-worker/friend Jack is coming from NYC, too! I’m so scared about how this thing might look to an outsider and how many times he’ll get beaten up by my friends and family for accidentally calling it a “festival” instead of a “show”, but I’ll soothe his bruises with rainbow-sprinkles-covered candy apples.

I’ll be in Ohio until the 18th (I KNOW!), so here are my recaps from the past few years (minus 2012, when I got too busy with photographing a wedding and dealing with a hurricane that shut down the entire city to blog about it) to keep you company:

Pumpkin Show 2011
Pumpkin Show 2010
Pumpkin Show 2009

Miss you!

A Day in DUMBO: Part 2

Filed under just pictures, living in new york is neat
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A few outtakes from my A Day in DUMBO post from last week:






It’s sort of a lovely city.