Monthly Archives: August 2011

A New Site Design Entirely for My Enjoyment

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Basically since the beginning of this blog, my header background has been an image from the illustrious Circleville Pumpkin Show:

It’s potatoes with ribbons on them. Prize-winning potatoes.

I always thought it was brilliant. What could be more unapologetically mundane, right? Well, after two and a half years of staring at the thing (because of course I reload my blog twenty times a day just to marvel at it), I decided that maybe I should try something a little more, um, relatable. Like, you know, something to show what a good-time gal I am.

So I whipped out a new header, showed a couple of friends, and found out that:

a) half of them didn’t even get the prize-winning potatoes angle until I explained it, and
b) the half who did get it didn’t even like it.

(Well, Kamran liked it. But probably only because it made him feel smart that he got the joke.)

So I have a new header! And also a new seizure-inducing background! And apparently it actually all looks okay in Internet Explorer, which apparently it didn’t for, like, a whole year! Things are really looking up over here.