Monthly Archives: December 2010

The Only Hope I Have This Christmas Season is the Hope That You’ll Develop Lung Cancer

Filed under living in new york sucks so hard, wtf
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There seems to be this misconception outside of NYC that all the things you hear about New Yorkers being mean are untrue, that people living in the city are actually helpful and unselfish despite the stories to the contrary.

Sometimes, to tell the truth, something wonderful will happen here, and I’ll start to think maybe I’ve misjudged everyone.

But then I’ll peer out the bus window, through the glass bus shelter, and into the drugstore at 42nd and Lexington and see this lady smoking inside:

I tell myself she’s smoking one of those fake cigarettes that only emits water vapor, but I think we both know that’s not true.

Put Me at the Slow Reader Table

Filed under readin' and writin'
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So the Selected Short Stories portion of Kate Chopin’s The Awakening and Selected Short Stories kind of sucks, huh? I guess an author isn’t obligated to write more than one inspiring work of early modernist feminism, but I was really taken aback by the difference between The Awakening and the rest of the book.

Of course, I didn’t get that Robert’s note there at the end meant he was never coming back until I read the Wikipedia article on the story, so maybe I shouldn’t judge.

Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist (and I’m a Lot)

Filed under good times at everyone else's expense
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One of the great things about my Twitter platform of choice, TweetDeck, is that it has a column that shows what the popular tweeting topics on Twitter as a whole are. TweetDeck supplies the hashtags, and users are supposed to write explanations of why they’re trending.

And while I know that racism hurts people and that all of the African-American females I know are incredibly well-educated, I really got tickled by the poor grammar in this one:

Sorry, black friends! I’m donating to the NAACP to make up for it as we speak.