There seems to be this misconception outside of NYC that all the things you hear about New Yorkers being mean are untrue, that people living in the city are actually helpful and unselfish despite the stories to the contrary.
Sometimes, to tell the truth, something wonderful will happen here, and I’ll start to think maybe I’ve misjudged everyone.
But then I’ll peer out the bus window, through the glass bus shelter, and into the drugstore at 42nd and Lexington and see this lady smoking inside:

I tell myself she’s smoking one of those fake cigarettes that only emits water vapor, but I think we both know that’s not true.
Completely unrelated to this article, but I’m going to be in the city this weekend. Apparently I’m not allowed to plan anything, but I’m stubborn and outspoken, so where should we eat lunch?
I like that you called it an “article”. That makes it seem legit somehow. And not a senseless waste of time.
Do you want, like, a super-nice place that’s freakishly quiet and formal-seeming but might serve you the best meal of your life? Or do you want something more relaxed and cheap?
I’m afraid this isn’t the trip for the super-nice place, that’ll be in january probably.
Relaxed and cheap will be an easier sell.
Wait, HOW is she smoking INSIDE anywhere? Without getting, like, a million-dollar fine, I mean?
I like the flu shot sticker on the door. Definitely adds to the story here.
Is it just me or is that woman clearly an oompa loompa on everyone else’s screen?
One of the partners at my new job smokes in his corner office. I completely not secretly at all find it totally badass even though smoking is disgusting.
That’s seriously screwy. And, I completely agree on the oompa loompa comment. Wow.