Monthly Archives: November 2010

Disneyland: Part 1

Filed under all of my friends are prettier than i am, creepy boyfriend obsession, travels
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It has been brought to my attention that I’m never being taken back to Disneyland again if I don’t post the photos from our trip while in California, so here you are, three months later.

We invited Kamran’s friends Gary and Diana along,


thinking that they might enjoy a trip to The Happiest Place on Earth™ without their two kids in tow. Little did we know that Gary and Diana are Disneyland experts and basically made our visit 100 times better than it would’ve been had we gone alone.

After following these fine folks all the way through Anaheim,


the first thing Gary made me do upon our arrival at the park


was stop by City Hall to tell them it was my birthday and get a special button that entitled me to an entire day of Disney employees being forced to joyfully wish me a happy birthday. Even the guys picking up trash were smiling and calling me by name. It really appealed to the famewhore part of me.


Then Gary ran around like a madman, picking up as many FASTPASS tickets as possible while the rest of us stood in line for the less-popular rides like the Jungle Cruise and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh,


which was trippy as hell.

Pooh looks totally evil here, right?

It meant we were able to bypass the horrendous lines on rides like the Indiana Jones Adventure and Splash Mountain


and make little kids cry as they saw us jog past them and their weak little standing-in-line-for-more-than-an-hour legs. Kamran got a real kick out that, obviously.


No, really.


We saw the Sleeping Beauty Castle


and figured out that compared to Disney World’s Cinderella Castle, only the Seven Dwarfs could sleep here:

Although staying there is by invitation only, apparently, so even they probably couldn’t.
Stinky dwarf feet and all.

We went on Pirates of the Caribbean twice,


mostly to see this guy suggestively humping his canon:

Right? I’m not just imagining how dirty that is.

After seeing churros cart after churros cart,


we finally bought one, because I swear those things don’t exist at Disney World.

Also suggestive.


Along with cotton candy.


And a funnel cake.


Which gave Kamran the energy to conquer the feats of strength in Toontown. Which are of course meant for children.


Not that Kamran can in any way be considered adult.


It’s So Hard Being Ivy League

Filed under creepy boyfriend obsession, just pictures
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Nothing to See Here

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But there’s plenty going on on my other blogs! Whoooooooo! Yeah!

an NYC public transportation article that you need know nothing about except that your reading it earns me a whole penny

maybe the best Lost and Lonely Leftover EVER

a new pee-pee that is so obviously pee-pee it hurts, despite the current vote


Filed under fun times on the subway, living in new york is neat, super furry animals
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Okay, more like RAT RUN AWAY!

One of my very favourite NYC sights either way.

80s Costume

Filed under music is my boyfriend, narcissism
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So far, my “80s costume” has been referred to three times today, starting with Kamran making fun of me at 8:30 a.m., leading to my friend Jack stopping mid-conversation and asking me why I’m dressed like this at 11 a.m., and culminating in my friend Nik questioning during lunch, “Has anyone made fun of Katie’s outfit yet today? Okay, good.”

I blame the fact that Pandora keeps playing “Safety Dance” for me:

I know people were trying to bring back the 90s recently, but seriously, give me a fake Members Only jacket or give me death.