Before I bought my Canon S90 a year and a half ago, I thought long and hard about getting a DSLR. On one hand, I knew that a compact camera, all-manual functions and 3200 ISO availability or not, simply wasn’t going to take the best-quality photos because of its tiny lens. But on the other hand, I knew I wasn’t going to lug around four pounds of camera every day, and not having a camera with me at all times is not an option.
So I bought the S90 and have loved every moment with it; it’s forever impressing me with pictures like this and this. But no matter what photographers tell me, I still think owning a really great camera is half the battle, so I wrote $900 into my budget this year for a DSLR and figured I’d be able to afford it after Christmas if I didn’t blow my wad on more cat butt magnets for my cousin.
But then Kamran offered to buy one for me right away! My attachment to my Canon made me think that I was a Canon person, despite having loved a Sony before that and an HP of all things before that, so I almost immediately settled on the Canon EOS Rebel T3i. I read all about the differences between the T2i and T3i, looked at sample pictures from the Canon line, thought about the lenses I’d put on my birthday list this year, and pictured myself having a whole family full of expensiver and expensiver Canon cameras.
But then, on a total whim, I happened to find Snapsort, a site that compares cameras side-by-side. And it turns out that almost everything about the Nikon D5100 beat the Canon. And then I found a site that showed the same scene shot by the two different cameras, and I just plain liked the way the Nikon photos looked more: the colors were more realistic, and everything was just a little more crisp. Every review I read said that the biggest part of being a Canon or a Nikon person was just liking the way one or the other felt in your hands, but since I like the way all cameras feel, I just went for it and asked Kamran to get me the glorious Nikon D5100.

And I love it! I haven’t, you know, taken any actual photos with it yet, but it feels so fine in my hands, like it was molded just for them. Now if only I can get over the fact that Ashton Kutcher is the Nikon spokeman.
So that I don’t appear to be a golddigging spoiled brat, Kamran would like me to make clear that he’s buying me this now in exchange for not having to buy me birthday and anniversary and Christmas presents.
He was also under the impression that buying me this new DSLR would somehow obligate me to give him my Canon. HA. HAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHA.
I was reading your blog yesterday and made a note to tell you how great your food photos are, especially the very ones you linked to in this post.
*drool drool drool*
I hear you – I’m still shooting with Canon’s first Digital Rebel, which isn’t a bad camera… but… at this point everyone’s phone has more resolution than I’ve got. It’s getting embarrassing. Anyway, a lot of talented people I know shoot with and really like Nikon (including my photo professor / mentor from college). I can’t wait to see more of your photos, U.M. – you’ve got a great eye – and camera, too)! Oh, did I mention *drool drool drool* :)
Oooooo. What an awesome boyfriend you have. I totally wouldn’t blame you if you were a gold digger for gifts like that.
Can’t wait to see the photos you snap with it!
Jealous! I have a Lumix and it’s OK. I will have to upgrade in a few years, though.
is Kamran into polygamy?
Does he buy iPads, too?
Because I will totally become an episode of Big Love with y’all. Can I be the Margene?
My understanding of this post is that i will be receiving $900 worth of cat butt magnets. I’m so excited! Thanks, cuz :-)
good choice!
i’m afraid it’s going to be at least another year before i’m rich enough to buy a new cam. which is ok, because the one i want hasn’t come out yet/hasn’t been announced/probably hasn’t even been designed yet. i want a fully featured EVIL format camera from pentax or nikon.
also you better actually start uploading stuff to flickr now that you’ve gone all pro.
I am so a Nikon person.
I didn’t think I was, either. Especially since I wasn’t sure how to pronounce it for awhile. But I’ve used both of the Canon and the Nikon DSLRs, and the Nikons are just better . . . more intuitive, better pictures.
Ewww, I forgot all about Nikon’s terrible marketing. Not just Ashton, but remember that GROSS naked Kate Moss campaign for the slim Coolpix a couple years ago? You might have to black out the brand name on your camera and write in your own.
I am a Nikon girl – my camera is a D80 and I love it almost as much as a family member. Which, it most definitely is. Welcome to the fold, Katie!!
Oooh, nice! Rob gave me the 3100 for mother’s day this year, and it is so fan-fucking-tabulous. I love it so hard. It makes picture-taking so easy. I plan to take a class on DSLRs this summer or fall to learn how to shoot in manual mode. Because, you know, I’m above reading the manual that came with it.
You take such good photos with a point-and-shoot, I’m confident you’re about to become the Annie Leibovitz of food photography now that you have a DSLR.