Tag Archives: racism

Let My People Gooooooooo

Filed under my uber-confrontational personality
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I don’t know if it’s my dark, curly hair or the many Michael Chabon books I’ve read, but despite my feelings about the U.S.’s totally wack Israeli foreign policy, I sometimes feel a weird kinship to the Jews.

Which is why, last night, when I heard a Hispanic dude on the corner of 42nd and Lexington saying, “She kept trying to jew me into coming to that party!”, I wanted to turn and say, “Listen, you spic, my people have been enduring stereotyping and ridicule from a-holes like you for thousands of years now, and it ends right here, right now.”

But then I remembered that I’m a regular, old white girl from Ohio. Minorities get to have all the fun.

Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist (and I’m a Lot)

Filed under good times at everyone else's expense
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One of the great things about my Twitter platform of choice, TweetDeck, is that it has a column that shows what the popular tweeting topics on Twitter as a whole are. TweetDeck supplies the hashtags, and users are supposed to write explanations of why they’re trending.

And while I know that racism hurts people and that all of the African-American females I know are incredibly well-educated, I really got tickled by the poor grammar in this one:

Sorry, black friends! I’m donating to the NAACP to make up for it as we speak.