I was making fun of a co-worker this morning for having something from a company called Model in a Bottle Inc. delivered to the office.
And then the mailman showed up with my Frederick’s of Hollywood package.
I still contend that mine is less embarrassing.
I know it’s neither polite nor sanitary, but I got an unexpected nosebleed in my office’s bathroom last week, and a drop of blood hit the blue-tiled floor before I could do anything about it. I lifted my hand to catch the drops that followed, but the blood kept somehow escaping me, and after a few seconds, I stopped trying and just let the floor become littered with my DNA. It felt so good to do something I wasn’t supposed to and to not care.
I just noticed today, after working at the same company for almost four years, that the woman who refills the toilet paper in our bathroom puts one roll into the side-by-side holder so that the paper’s dispensed on top and one roll in so that it comes from underneath.
I love that the janitorial company cares enough to not take sides in the over/under debate, even though one of the sides is clearly incorrect.
My friend Anthony took this photo of me outside of Dim Sum Go Go, where my co-workers past and present and I met for our monthly dinner club a couple of weeks ago:
Look how freakin’ excited I am about pork buns! And look how hard Meredith‘s pretending not to know me.
My favouritest German intern of all time, Jessica, recently came back into town after being back home in Düsseldorf for nine months. In honor of her visit–and because she bugs me about it at least once a week–here are the greatest photos from the night we said goodbye:

I like how Beth apparently had no idea that this was supposed to be a funny picture
and not a try-out for “America’s Next Top Model”.

These are funny because I’m, like, the not-drunk-est person everyone knows.

Please notice Anthony’s face in the background.

I don’t remember why this was being done, but I do know it was offensive.

We all rode the bull. It cost $15. Someone paid for me, because that’s how I roll.
I broke my thumbnail on it.

Sonya puts this much feeling into literally everything she sings. This was probably “Barbie Girl”, Jessica’s absolute favourite song to do at karaoke. She likes to sing the boy part even though she’s the girliest girl you’ll ever meet.

Move back soon, mama.