Tag Archives: christmas

Merry Christmas + Happy New Year

Filed under holidays don't suck for me, narcissism, no i really do love ohio
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I’m visiting my family and friends in Ohio until


I’m going to get so many presents, eat so many of those sugar cookies with the Hershey’s Kisses pressed into the tops of them, and do so many gay things with my best friend.

Like so:

I’ll miss you, blogfriends!

I’m Gettin’ Nuttin’ for Christmas

Filed under holidays don't suck for me, jobby jobby job job
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Earlier this week, I walked into work, and to my delight, one of the giant fake gifts under the giant fake Christmas tree in the lobby started skidding across the floor toward me, following me as I walked toward the elevators.

Clearly this is a sign that majorly awesome presents are coming my way in the next couple of weeks.

Or that it was really windy that day.