I went to a Yankees game once. I also went to a Staten Island Yankees game. But I didn’t even remember that the Brooklyn Cyclones existed until my friend Lizzie invited me to a game last week with the promise of Nathan’s Famous hot dogs hours of honing my pretending-to-care-about-sports skillz.
My landlord/roommate/co-worker/friend, Jack, and I took off after work on the Q train aaaaall the way to the very last stop, Coney Island. (Read about my very first visit back in 2007 on my very old LiveJournal, complete with terrible, terrible photos.) As soon as you step off the train, this greets you, and the then the entire sky opens up in way that makes you feel like the entire world is behind you and the only thing before you is ocean:

We spent a few minutes on the boardwalk, being totally creeped out by the Coney Island Funny Face (although, OMG, check out the original iteration, which is basically the scariest thing I’ve ever seen):

We admired the now-defunct Parachute Jump (I love the picture on that page that looks like a present-day Instagram photo but is actually from the 1930s or 40s):

Then, we got our hot dogs and gummy bears (the softest gummy bears I’ve ever had!) and settled in with Lizzie and her friends at glorious MCU Park:

The mascot came over and greeted a swarm of children who appeared out of nowhere as we tried to figure out what he was. A pigeon? A chicken? No idea. They’re the Brooklyn Cyclones. What possible sense could this make? Although, really, what’s funnier than a chicken in a cyclone? Nothing:

Some d-bag Tim-Tebowed on the field so all the stadium could admire him and comment on his moral fortitude:

And then the game began!

And it went on for a long, long time! And then it went into overtime, too! I eventually got uninterested and started taking pictures of Lizzie:

And then Jack and Melanie:

And then Nico and Lizzie:

And then Lizzie’s and Nico’s shoes while some kid in the background clawed her mom’s mouth out (BROOKLYN!):

A good time was had by all.
But especially by these fools in jorts: