Posted by katie ett on February 9, 2012 – 12:00 pm
Liesi over at Too Crewel held a contest for a custom embroidery piece recently, and I was the lucky winner! I’d been slobbering over her Etsy shop nonstop, especially the United States pillow and the paper airplane hoop, so I asked her to combine the two ideas for me to make this:
It’s the U.S., with a heart where Ohio is and a star where New York is and an airplane trail connecting the two. <3 <3 <3!
She also did a piece for my friend Dishy that involves the entire family, the pet bird, the chickens, the rats, and the dog. If I never wanted to cram a chicken coop into the corner of my 900-square-foot apartment before (yeah, right), I sure do now.
Talk to Liesi to get a piece of your own!
Posted by katie ett on February 8, 2012 – 12:00 pm
Everything else about it sucks, but there are exactly three reasons I love working downtown:
1) the view,
2) my apartment is one subway stop away, and
3) ticker tape parades!
I had originally planned to go down to the street to capture some pictures of the players for anyone who might actually care about sports, but the sidewalks were barricaded by the time I got to work at 9, and the teeming hordes of fans were already infiltrating (don’t these people have jobs?), so my co-worker Roxanne and I took to the balcony on our floor instead to shoot some skyline pictures and talk about which of the team members she’s going to marry someday. Our office is 25 stories up, so the panorama from the balcony is pretty incredible.
The parade began on the Western-most side of lower Manhattan, Battery Park City:
and continued up Broadway to City Hall:
We think this tiny black car held Mr. MVP, Elisha Nelson “Eli” Manning (haha, Elisha).
New Jersey, across the Hudson River.
This office emptied case after case of copier paper out of their windows.
There was plenty of toilet paper flying, too.
Toilet paper in the air over the in-progress One World Trade Center, a.k.a. Freedom Tower.
Football players in NYC sightseeing buses.
Roxanne is actually a sports fan, so this is way less fake than if I had been holding the sign.
And thus concludes my half-hour of caring about football once every four years. Hooray!
Posted by katie ett on February 7, 2012 – 12:00 pm
The winner of my Geeky & Chic LEGO necklace and ring set is . . .
She’s my best friend’s former college roommate of four years, a Circleville Pumpkin Show goer of eleven years, and most perfectly, an art museum educator! So she’s funky as all get-out, and I couldn’t be happier for her. Even though I’m sad for the rest of you.
Congratulations, Dayna!
Posted by katie ett on February 2, 2012 – 2:00 pm
My friend Anthony taught me Photoshop before I even had any idea I wanted to know it. He bought a DSLR when mine was only a pipe dream. And lately, he’s been paving yet another path for me: long-exposure night photos.
Last night, I attempted my first ones outside Kamran’s apartment, looking down 42nd Street at the Chrysler Building, the Bank of America building, and Times Square:
And of the flower shop nearby, where little old ladies walking their dogs kept stepping right in front of my camera, but the shutter was open so long it didn’t even catch them:
You just set up your tripod, set your aperture really small, set your ISO really low, open your shutter for a loooong time (preferably with a remote), and wait patiently.
I can’t wait to do more! Too bad I kind of sort of overtightened one of the legs on my tripod last night, broke off the pin, and now have to use it at about waist-high all the time. Low-noise night photos are worth bending over for, right?
On my bus ride to work from Kamran’s apartment, I pass through the outer edge of Chinatown and see a store with the worst/best name ever: New BJ.
please excuse this crappy merged Google Maps image
Apparently it’s a 99ยข store, but the review I found on Yelp is just what I was hoping for:
There’s nothing worse than a used or distressed BJ, amiright?