Well, it’s the eleventh anniversary of those tragic events that took place on 9/11, and I’ve been a semi-proud New Yorker for more than seven years now, so . . . let’s talk about models!
Thanks to my friend Jeff of the almost-existent J Roll Photography, I met the man behind Talent & Skills, who introduced me to the guys at The Set NYC, who asked me to photograph their NYC Fashion Week after-party/benefit last Friday night.
And I readily agreed, not only because I’ve made awesome connections by shooting events with these guys but also because I always shoot with a diffused bounce flash and really wanted to try out some super-harsh nightclub straight flash and some light trails. I’m still not sure how I feel about it any of it, so you’ll have to let me know what you think. Constructively, not bitchily. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
The venue:

The hostess, Jamie Otis of “The Bachelor”, who was stunning and so friendly:

Guests like David Good, also of “The Bachelor” and also friendly:

A bunch of super-gorgeous models and designers:

creepy light trails!

A frolicking good time: