NYC Fashion Week After-Party with The Set NYC

Filed under living in new york is neat, par-tay, photography

Well, it’s the eleventh anniversary of those tragic events that took place on 9/11, and I’ve been a semi-proud New Yorker for more than seven years now, so . . . let’s talk about models!

Thanks to my friend Jeff of the almost-existent J Roll Photography, I met the man behind Talent & Skills, who introduced me to the guys at The Set NYC, who asked me to photograph their NYC Fashion Week after-party/benefit last Friday night.

And I readily agreed, not only because I’ve made awesome connections by shooting events with these guys but also because I always shoot with a diffused bounce flash and really wanted to try out some super-harsh nightclub straight flash and some light trails. I’m still not sure how I feel about it any of it, so you’ll have to let me know what you think. Constructively, not bitchily. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

The venue:

NYC Fashion Week 2012 After-Party

The hostess, Jamie Otis of “The Bachelor”, who was stunning and so friendly:

NYC Fashion Week 2012 After-Party

Guests like David Good, also of “The Bachelor” and also friendly:

NYC Fashion Week 2012 After-Party

A bunch of super-gorgeous models and designers:

NYC Fashion Week 2012 After-Party
creepy light trails!

NYC Fashion Week 2012 After-Party

NYC Fashion Week 2012 After-Party

A frolicking good time:

NYC Fashion Week 2012 After-Party

The entire set can be seen on my Ettible Photography site here!

Coney Island and the Brooklyn Cyclones

Filed under all of my friends are prettier than i am, living in new york is neat

I went to a Yankees game once. I also went to a Staten Island Yankees game. But I didn’t even remember that the Brooklyn Cyclones existed until my friend Lizzie invited me to a game last week with the promise of Nathan’s Famous hot dogs hours of honing my pretending-to-care-about-sports skillz.

My landlord/roommate/co-worker/friend, Jack, and I took off after work on the Q train aaaaall the way to the very last stop, Coney Island. (Read about my very first visit back in 2007 on my very old LiveJournal, complete with terrible, terrible photos.) As soon as you step off the train, this greets you, and the then the entire sky opens up in way that makes you feel like the entire world is behind you and the only thing before you is ocean:

Coney Island and Brooklyn Cyclones

We spent a few minutes on the boardwalk, being totally creeped out by the Coney Island Funny Face (although, OMG, check out the original iteration, which is basically the scariest thing I’ve ever seen):

Coney Island and Brooklyn Cyclones

We admired the now-defunct Parachute Jump (I love the picture on that page that looks like a present-day Instagram photo but is actually from the 1930s or 40s):

Coney Island and Brooklyn Cyclones

Coney Island and Brooklyn Cyclones

Then, we got our hot dogs and gummy bears (the softest gummy bears I’ve ever had!) and settled in with Lizzie and her friends at glorious MCU Park:

Coney Island and Brooklyn Cyclones

The mascot came over and greeted a swarm of children who appeared out of nowhere as we tried to figure out what he was. A pigeon? A chicken? No idea. They’re the Brooklyn Cyclones. What possible sense could this make? Although, really, what’s funnier than a chicken in a cyclone? Nothing:

Coney Island and Brooklyn Cyclones

Some d-bag Tim-Tebowed on the field so all the stadium could admire him and comment on his moral fortitude:

Coney Island and Brooklyn Cyclones

And then the game began!

Coney Island and Brooklyn Cyclones

And it went on for a long, long time! And then it went into overtime, too! I eventually got uninterested and started taking pictures of Lizzie:

Coney Island and Brooklyn Cyclones

And then Jack and Melanie:

Coney Island and Brooklyn Cyclones

And then Nico and Lizzie:

Coney Island and Brooklyn Cyclones

And then Lizzie’s and Nico’s shoes while some kid in the background clawed her mom’s mouth out (BROOKLYN!):

Coney Island and Brooklyn Cyclones

A good time was had by all.

But especially by these fools in jorts:

Coney Island and Brooklyn Cyclones

How to Ride an NYC MTA Bus

Filed under funner times on the bus

I’m going to start a series soon on the top reasons to ride the bus in NYC, but I realized that before I do that, I should talk about how to actually use the bus system. New Yorkers, especially Manhattanites, equate public transportation with the subway; transplants like me are excited to ride it as soon as we move here, and we learn where to transfer from the A to the N before we know the name of the guy who lives across the hall in our apartment buildings. I have friends who’ve lived here longer than I have and have never ridden a bus. I have friends who stare at me with wonder when I tell them I take the bus home from work at least four–and usually five–days a week. No longer, friends!

Here’s a quick primer on using the NYC buses that will hopefully leave you feeling confident enough to hop aboard:

Read the rest here!

Sows and the City

Filed under sows and the city


Growing restless with their humdrum, nine-to-five lives.

Leaving home.

To be continued . . .

No Free Rides

Filed under funner times on the bus, living in new york sucks so hard

Watching people get escorted off the Select Bus Service buses for not paying their fare is a real joy in my life. Waiting at the bus stop next to someone who’s being written up for not paying her fare is even better, I discovered this morning. The fare inspector had politely led this woman off of the M15 SBS toward Houston Street this morning while I was stuck looking for one going all of the way down to South Ferry. I got to listen in as she pretended to dig through her purse for the receipt she should have grabbed from the fare collection machine at the bus stop wherever she boarded uptown, muttering to herself, “This is the first time I rode this bus.”

I wanted to be like, “Lady, get your story straight.” Either you know how to ride the SBS and you got your receipt, or you’re totally new to this and have no idea what receipt the inspector’s talking about. There is no “this is the first time I’ve ridden this bus, and I didn’t know to get a receipt, but let me comb through my bag in case I happened to pay my fare while sleepwalking and my somnambulic body somehow knew to hold on to it”.

Read the rest here! Please and thank you.