Category Archives: par-tay

Gearing Up for the NYC Fashion Week After Party

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You may remember the first New York Fashion Week after party and benefit I shot for The Set NYC. Well, I’m shooting the same event for them this Friday and realized I never showed you the photos from the last party of theirs I did back in November. I KNOW.

I love doing these events, because they give me a chance to chance to try out “interesting” editing under the guise of being “fashionable”. Because if this looks good, then so do these:

NYC Fashion Week After Party

NYC Fashion Week After Party

NYC Fashion Week After Party

NYC Fashion Week After Party

And hey, some of my friends even came out that night to “support me”. Meaning “pick up models”:

NYC Fashion Week After Party

The rest of the set, if you’re so inclined, is on my Ettible Photography Facebook Page.

Tonight, We Are Young

Filed under all of my friends are prettier than i am, living in new york is neat, par-tay
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It was my roommate/landlord/co-worker/friend, Jack’s, birthday on Sunday, so I took it upon myself to throw him a “party” on Friday night. I wanted to reserve a private room somewhere so he could “mingle” and “work the room” and “network” and “invite hot girls in to enjoy his bottle service, ifyouknowwhatImean”, but I couldn’t get the bars in our area to agree to give me one unless I promised to bring a hundred people and buy a buffet for them. So I gave Jack two non-reserved-room options:

1) a divey Irish bar that my friend Jeff said Jack would like, with a pool table and ping-pong and darts and, like, 1.5 stars on Yelp, or

2) a stylish 1920s-style speakeasy with artisan cocktails and small plates that promised to not have a wait to get in despite the super-high rating on Yelp.

Of course he picked the dive. I hemmed and hawed and suggested that maybe we should just go to dinner instead, but he said it was his birthday and going somewhere nice was going to make him feel old. I said, “Do what you want. People have to pretend to like it,” but I really meant, “I know I’m supposedly planning this party for you, but there’s not a chance I’m going to stay for more than a half an hour.”

But it turned out to be this toooootally not-horrible bar that was not tiny and not crowded and not sticky, and people who said they weren’t going to come came, and everyone played games and caught up and ate wings, and no one got celiac disease, which is apparently common among the Irish, along with small penises. I don’t know. Google it.

Our friend Nik and I left and slogged through the ice and snow to pick up Kamran at his apartment and then took a cab to a sushi buffet in Koreatown called IchiUmi that’s as big as a football field and always full. On the way, the cab driver–who was Southeast Asian and may hold different ideas about hilarity than we do–told us a long-winded joke about three men who were 86 years old. One of them died, and the other two went to his son’s house after the funeral. “How old was he really?” they asked the son, and he replied, “92.” The two men looked at each other and said, “Should we go home?”

And then the cab driver laaaaaughed and laughed and said, “Do you get it?” And the three of us laaaaaughed and laughed, and Nik said, “Do you stay or do you go, right?” And we all laaaaaughed and laughed.

No idea.

Jack and the others didn’t make it to the sushi buffet before it closed, so we met them at a nearby KyoChon that had pretty walls:

Jack is making an important drunken point

Kamran is moody

The guys really love CVS

It was one of those nights where everything worked out just fine and we felt young and unstoppable in New York City. I didn’t give Jack a hard time for not making it to the sushi place, and I had nothing bad to say about the bar that I expected to hate, and I didn’t get stressed about running around with snow-soaked hair. But then we went home at midnight, because we actually are old.

Happy birthday, Jack!

Weekend Update

Filed under it's fun to be fat, living in new york is neat, par-tay, restaurant ramblings
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Kamran was in California all last week being a lawyer, so I spent the week at my apartment, stretched diagonally across my entire bed and eating as many hot dogs as I wanted. My roommate/landlord/co-worker/friend, Jack, and I watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (super-entertaining) and Prometheus (ridiculous (abortion machine!) but fun to watch) on his giant 3-D TV, and then I watched The Great Gatsby (teeeeerrible and so, so sweaty) and Martha Marcy May Marlene (amaaaaazing both in acting and cinematography and creepy as hell) in my immense free time.

Saturday night, my friend Ash had a bunch of us over for Early Thanksgiving at her apartment in Queens that has a kitchen big enough to cook a multi-course dinner in. The menu included gougeres, clam chowder, turkey slathered in herbs, shepherd’s pie, cornbread and chorizo stuffing, Brussels sprouts salad, pumpkin Gorgonzola flan, and caramelized apple spice cake decorated with marzipan pumpkins she had formed and painted herself. It was insane. She is insane.

pumpkin Gorgonzola flan

Yesterday, Kamran came back to town, and his friend Gary from back home came to stay with him, and we all went to Jean-Georges for a tasting menu. We’d had a hard time figuring out the best place to take a tasting menu virgin, so I’d made a reservation for J-G and put us on the waiting list for Per Se and Torrisi. J-G called on Saturday afternoon to confirm the reservation, and then, literally two minutes later, Per Se called to offer us a spot. FOILED! Poor Gary only got his first tasting from a three-Michelin-starred restaurant and not the BEST three-Michelin-starred restaurant.

And tonight, I’m going home to Ohio for Thanksgiving. Pretty good livin’.

NYC Fashion Week After-Party with The Set NYC

Filed under living in new york is neat, par-tay, photography
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Well, it’s the eleventh anniversary of those tragic events that took place on 9/11, and I’ve been a semi-proud New Yorker for more than seven years now, so . . . let’s talk about models!

Thanks to my friend Jeff of the almost-existent J Roll Photography, I met the man behind Talent & Skills, who introduced me to the guys at The Set NYC, who asked me to photograph their NYC Fashion Week after-party/benefit last Friday night.

And I readily agreed, not only because I’ve made awesome connections by shooting events with these guys but also because I always shoot with a diffused bounce flash and really wanted to try out some super-harsh nightclub straight flash and some light trails. I’m still not sure how I feel about it any of it, so you’ll have to let me know what you think. Constructively, not bitchily. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

The venue:

NYC Fashion Week 2012 After-Party

The hostess, Jamie Otis of “The Bachelor”, who was stunning and so friendly:

NYC Fashion Week 2012 After-Party

Guests like David Good, also of “The Bachelor” and also friendly:

NYC Fashion Week 2012 After-Party

A bunch of super-gorgeous models and designers:

NYC Fashion Week 2012 After-Party
creepy light trails!

NYC Fashion Week 2012 After-Party

NYC Fashion Week 2012 After-Party

A frolicking good time:

NYC Fashion Week 2012 After-Party

The entire set can be seen on my Ettible Photography site here!

Happy Bigtime Birthday, Tracey!

Filed under all of my friends are prettier than i am, holidays don't suck for me, just pictures, no i really do love ohio, par-tay
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I know presents are the reason for the season and all, but I was really back home in Ohio for the past two and a half weeks to celebrate my best friend, Tracey‘s, 30th birthday. While I celebrated my last birthday quietly and with fingers crossed that no one would remember it was my 30th, Tracey celebrated hers with karaoke, gigantic 3-0 candles, and Justin Bieber cupcakes all around:

Tracey's 30th Birthday

Tracey's 30th Birthday

Tracey's 30th Birthday
Tracey pretending that she’s not really into this whole party thing.

Tracey's 30th Birthday

Tracey's 30th Birthday

Tracey's 30th Birthday
Guess who ate these in abundance and wore the Bieber rings without irony. This guy!

Tracey's 30th Birthday

Tracey's 30th Birthday
This is a hilarious picture until you remember that the noisemakers Tracey bought actually turned out not to make noise.

Tracey's 30th Birthday

Tracey's 30th Birthday
Only a party at Tracey’s house would include a bowl of just pepperoni.

Tracey's 30th Birthday
Tracey totally made this for her husband’s last birthday and not for herself. Just so you know.

Tracey's 30th Birthday

Tracey's 30th Birthday
Tracey’s husband, Dan, presents Tracey with her cupcakes while Erin serenades her.

Tracey's 30th Birthday

Tracey's 30th Birthday

Tracey's 30th Birthday

Tracey's 30th Birthday
Graham is mesmerized by the non-noisemaking noisemakers.

Tracey's 30th Birthday

Tracey's 30th Birthday

Tracey's 30th Birthday

Tracey's 30th Birthday

Happy 30th birthday, my best best friend!

You are my life partner, my lab partner, my partner in crime, the wind beneath my wings, my baby bumblebee, the demon seed and the factor!

And I love you.