Category Archives: living in new york is neat

To Not Letting Fall Slip Away

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I know Fall isn’t even close to over–especially having spent the weekend in Miami, where it was still 80 degrees–but I’m getting scared for Winter and figured I should post these October pictures before corn and zombies are nonsensical.

Union Square, NYC

I’d like to say that NYC looks this dirty all of the time, but really, Kamran and I were in Union Square after a street fair had just ended. Street fairs here are mostly awful–picture blocks and blocks of stands, only they’re the same smoothie, sunglasses, and bedsheets vendors alternating over and over–but no New Yorker can resist the opportunity to walk down the center of a usually-crowded street.

Union Square, NYC

I love how gothic this building looks against the overcast sky:

Union Square, NYC

The famous magic wand in Union Square is known to stream steam at intervals, but I had never noticed the hand reaching out from above it. Halloween prank or totally-normal-thing-I’d-just-never-noticed?

Union Square, NYC

Lovely corn in the Union Square Greenmarket:

Union Square, NYC

This zombie locked eyes on us from across the park, and we both tried to ignore it until it was clear that he was ambling right for us on his stiff zombie legs. We accepted the haunted house flier he was handing out and admired his costume as he stopped to let me take his picture, but after he started hunting another couple, we realized that we figured him for a Halloween stunt all along and never once considered that he could be an actual lunatic. We’re clearly unprepared for a zombie uprising.

Union Square, NYC

Campbell’s Gets the Last Laugh at the Andy Warhol Monument

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While in Union Square the other night, Kamran and I noticed that the Andy Warhol Monument had been defaced:

Andy Warhol Monument NYC

Andy Warhol Monument NYC

Andy Warhol Monument NYC

The question is: was it done out of love (an admirer playing a bit of a practical joke) or out of hate (a fellow artist scorning Andy with the very thing that he’s remembered by most)? Either way, I think it’s brilliant.

Put a Bird On It

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I love hipster SoHo as much as the next gal, but when I saw this lamppost coming out of the subway the other day,

Put a Bird On It

I couldn’t help but think of the “Put a Bird On It” sketch from “Portlandia”:

NYC: The Really Hot Boyfriend Who Beats Me

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The Hamptons feels so far away from New York City that I sometimes forget I’m still in the same time zone. We ride around in cars there and eat pastries on the empty patios of cafés and stock up for the weekend in grocery stores with aisles big enough to fit carts. The town has ten boutiques, and the people who live there make conversation with you for no reason.

But on the drive home, you quickly realize how close to the city you still are. On the road trips I used to make in college to South Carolina and Chicago, I remember stopping for gas at highway exits that had little else. A truck stop, an adult bookstore, and a McDonald’s perched on a hill with nothing but miles and miles of farmland as far as I could see. I always felt like I was on the prairie, even if I was really in the middle of the Appalachians. On the way back from the Hamptons, if you blink your eye, you’re in Queens. The exits all lead to neighborhoods with constantly-busy streets, strollers full of babies of every ethnicity, skateboarding teenagers, shopping bags on every arm.

There’s no rest. I feel my chest tighten as soon as the row houses come into view and a taxi cuts us off. The fact that I hold my breath all day in NYC is only noticeable after a weekend away with nothing but exhalations. It’s like I’m always bracing myself for the worst.

Brooklyn Bridge

But then we’re on the Brooklyn Bridge, and the city’s skyline is the most exciting one I’ve ever seen, and I tell my friend Jeff, “If I’m this happy to see New York after only a weekend away, imagine how I’d feel after a year.” It’s scary to imagine yourself as a tourist here, older and settled somewhere else and without any more ties to this city than to London or Tokyo. Part of the thing about living in NYC is feeling like you’re in on a special secret that no one else knows about.

Well, no one but the 18 million other people who live here.

To the Hamptons Once More

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Weekend Getaway

My friends and I have gone back to our house in the Hamptons one last time this weekend to pretend like summer didn’t end already. I guess if the ocean’s too cold, we’ll just have to spend the time in our heated pool, sipping our alcoholic beverages and peeing in the water at length to keep ourselves warm.