Remember how Kamran took me to visit his family in California last August and how I just barely blogged about it? Well, here’s the photodump from the trip that you haven’t been asking for:

We were mostly there for Kamran’s parents’ 40th anniversary, which was celebrated at Javier’s with grandchildren, steak, and my first Sprinkles cupcakes in the form of a cake that spelled out happy anniversary. I got the an:

We visited Kamran’s friend Mike, who has a pool in his backyard like everyone else in California,

made eyes at the googly-eyed flowers in Kamran’s parents’ backyard,

and ate In-N-Out the first chance we got:

(There’s nothing more pleasurable to me than sitting in a drive-thru in a car after almost seven years of not driving.)

We met Kamran’s uncle at the Santa Monica Seafood cafĂ© for ceviche, crab cakes, ciopino, and fish and chips (yes, even I ordered and enjoyed seafood (and by “seafood”, I mean “the batter and tartar sauce that goes on it”)):

And then went next door to Huckleberry Cafe for some suuuuuuuuuuperfine sweets, including a trifle and a fig that we stole off the tree out back and washed off in the bathroom(!!):

Kamran’s uncle took us to a house he and his partner have been designing to perfection for 10+ years now that had this view:

We drove to San Diego to Balboa Park, which contains the San Diego Zoo, The Museum of Man, the Fleet Science Center, the Air & Space Museum, the Natural History Museum, and a buuuuuuuuuunch more:

The architecture was amazing, and so was the weather. The entire time we were there, his parents didn’t need to turn on the air conditioning in their house. And this was August.

This is not a tiny fanny pack on Kamran’s hip but his camera case, so it’s fine:

At the Natural History Museum:

Kamran’s first 3-D movie (he was only pretending to not be excited for the camera):

A huge, bazillion-year-old tree outside the museum:

On the way back to Laguna, we passed the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, which look like two boobs rising from the beach, and which Kamran . . .

well . . .
I think this is a good place to end this.