I don’t want to steal all of Aaron the Australian‘s thunder, but if he’s going to choose spending time with the boyfriend he hasn’t seen in a month over posting photos of us, then screw ‘im.

The bull on Wall Street! And us looking super-hot, right?
Me, not afraid to show the heart-wrenching pain I was experiencing at the World Trade Center site.
Aaron on the Staten Island Ferry (post spitting on that guy), sticking his tongue out at our symbol of American freedom.
I wanted to play hand-clapping games with Aaron in the subway but was DISMISSED.
Aaron at the site of the Fat Girls Only chair.
Me in the Former Slaveowners Only chair. Which was right next to the Rosa Parks Only chair.
Aaron and me looking amaaaaazingly cool smoking chocolate cigarettes at my friend Emily’s house party.
Right before we played charades and looked considerably less cool.
Aaron and I kept seeing this ad on subway platforms and wondered if this girl had killed herself out of embarrassment yet.
In case you forgot Aaron’s gay, these photos from the Toys R Us in Times Square should remind you.
Aaron made me take, like, five of these pictures, and this taxi driver got pissed off, because he thought Aaron was trying to hail a cab.
Aaron is making this face because he was trying to pee his pants for lack of being able to find a restroom,
and the stream froze his pants to his legs at this very moment.
Aaron tries his very first Magnolia Cupcake, while I pose with my banana pudding next to the store with the greatest name in history.
Seriously, it’s called PANTS AND . . . !.
Fun times in the NBC Experience store at Rockefeller Center.
Hey, guess who’s NOT ambiguously gay?
The light room at the Top of the Rock, which is probably more interesting than the view of NYC you’re paying $20 for.
My elusive roommate, Wen, actually went out to dinner with us one night. Orgies abounded!
There was also a dinner at Serendipity with Kamran one night, which was disappointingly not awkward and which Kamran so generous paid for. And looooooong conversations about why visiting me was inexplicably SO MUCH BETTER than visiting Beth in Chicago recently. And then, with a kiss on the cheek, Aaron left me on Tuesday morning, never to be seen again. Except for when he visits again in a month. Whatever.
Please note that all of these photographs were taken on Aaron’s camera and may not express the views of this blog and its author.