I’m addicted to HGTV and its house-hunting shows, but I’ve realized in watching them that my idea of the dream home is entirely different from what the majority of Americans are apparently envisioning. Aside from not really minding non-granite countertops and never ever ever wanting carpet in any bedroom, I also couldn’t care less about a big backyard. Backyards mean bugs to me, and as much as NYC is known for its cockroaches, I’ve never seen one in my Brooklyn apartment.

And you know who else doesn’t care about big backyards? My best friend, Tracey, who has owned this gigantic four-bedroom, three-bathroom house in the ‘burbs for years now. Do you know how many times she and I have been out on her spacious deck or in her expanse of grass? Twice that I can recall. Once was to take this bird’s nest photo, which she spotted from inside, and where we immediately retreated back to once the picture was taken. I’m still shocked every time that the color robin egg blue is based on actual robin’s eggs.
What is everyone’s obsession with granite countertops in those silly shows? And fixtures!!! Don’t they realize you can change those.
But I do like yards- maybe because I have kids, maybe because I prefer to drink too much while outside.
“I hate the paint color” is my favourite. Although I’ve lived in my apartment for three and a half years and still haven’t painted a single wall, so maybe their fears about having to live with that neon orange paint are real.
I would like to drink too much while outside. I need a balcony.
This may shock you, but in what is, I’m sure, a huge coincidence, the color Canary Yellow is based on the canary.
And until the 1960s, the Flesh crayon was based on white people. Yaaaaaaay.
OMG. I liked this photo on Facebook and I think I pinned it on Pinterest never even realizing it was taken in my backyard! That was ages ago, right? I think it was probably the last time I even ventured out there.
Yards are kind of stupid unless you’re a kid, right? And even as a kid, I generally preferred to be inside playing video games.
I never used my backyard until I had rambunctious children who needed to get out and run around.
Awesome photo.