Monthly Archives: September 2013

The Brooklyn Promenade

Filed under just pictures, living in new york is neat
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When you walk to the end of my street, this is your view from the Brooklyn Promenade:

Brooklyn Promenade, NYC Skyline

Brooklyn Promenade, NYC Skyline

The new World Trade tower, the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge, the whoosh of the traffic on the BQE down below. Watching the sun come down and Manhattan come up gives me that feeling of how-did-I-get-here? every single time.

NYC Photodump

Filed under just pictures, living in new york is neat
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Just a few photos from around town:

Chantee was an accountant at my last job and was one of my first NYC friends. She has personality for days, if you needed to be told that.

A pretty Chinatown sky, while waiting for Ash and Kim to meet me at Hop Kee for Chinese food.

On my way to meet my friends Henry and Lucy for ramen, I looked up Broadway toward Canal and was overwhelmed by how specifically New Yorky the scene was.