The Brooklyn Promenade

Filed under just pictures, living in new york is neat

When you walk to the end of my street, this is your view from the Brooklyn Promenade:

Brooklyn Promenade, NYC Skyline

Brooklyn Promenade, NYC Skyline

The new World Trade tower, the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge, the whoosh of the traffic on the BQE down below. Watching the sun come down and Manhattan come up gives me that feeling of how-did-I-get-here? every single time.


  1. A word-trail in honor of your light-trails…
    Seriously… this are kind of epic, U.M.

  2. Lisa says:

    You should put these in your Society6 shop that you never update.

    No, seriously. These are amazing.

    • katie ett says:

      Thank you as always for the encouragement. I was thinking I might forego the Society6 shop that I never update and maybe start adding things to my Zenfolio portfolio that I actually do update. I’m already adding all of my wedding pictures and such for guests to buy from Zenfolio, so it makes sense to keep things consolidated. I’m just having such a hard time determining my prices there, though. Story of my life.

  3. Jessica R. says:

    Um, WOW. Those are some amazing photos.

  4. facie says:

    Pretty much what everyone else said. Breathtaking.