The Treeeees of NYCeeeee

Filed under photography

We were walking home from a restaurant (#1 reason to live in NYC: you never have to drive home after a tasting menu that includes twelve glasses of wine), and the trees were just beginning to bloom, and I took these pictures of a streetlight falling on the blossoms. And then I Photoshopped the hell out of them, because it was dark out and they were practically black. Which is your favourite?

(Don’t say the first one, because it’s different. And don’t say none of them, you gigantic assholes.)

NYC at Night

NYC at Night

NYC at Night

NYC at Night

NYC at Night

NYC at Night

NYC at Night

NYC at Night


  1. Kim says:

    8, because the rest of them are terrible.
    Jk, obviously. It’s because I like how the blossoms look purple-tinged.
    But really 1, though.

  2. Lisa says:

    I like #5 because it looks like some alien life form. Or maybe some science-y thing. I don’t think I would have known it was a tree if you only showed that one (which sounds bad, but I think that’s what makes it so cool!).

    Do I get a gold star because I wrote more than everyone else?

  3. Jessica R. says:

    8! I hope you also photoshopped them after 12 glasses of wine.

    I love that they look like branches of popcorn.

  4. Okay…
    so I really like the colors in 1 and 4 – feels kind of mysterious to me… they remind me of street lights, etc. bouncing off low-hanging clouds… like, right before a storm.
    And 2, 3 and 5 give me the same kind of feel… only pumped up… like the storm is on Mars, or there’s a wild eclipse going on, or something like that. 8 is cool like that, too… only it feels a bit more ‘neon’ to me… almost like it’s in some kind of club, or something. But I particularly like the subtleties in 6 and 7… they almost remind me of a silk-screened print.
    And stuff.

    • So this is random… but (speaking of Photoshop)… have you heard after CS6 ‘new’ Adobe software will be subscription based only?!?! WHAT?!?!

  5. bluzdude says:

    #5, because duh, it’s the closest to Steelers colors.

  6. Landlord says:

    #1 because:
    – I like how it makes use of the empty space, over the others.
    – I like the gray (grey?) tone of the sky.
    – The blossoms aren’t washed out, so you can see all the little details.

  7. Megan says:

    2 & 8… 2. Cool shots!

  8. Cassie says:

    2, ya ass hole.

  9. bybee says:

    #2. Because it reminds me of a Western.