Monthly Archives: February 2013

Gearing Up for the NYC Fashion Week After Party

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You may remember the first New York Fashion Week after party and benefit I shot for The Set NYC. Well, I’m shooting the same event for them this Friday and realized I never showed you the photos from the last party of theirs I did back in November. I KNOW.

I love doing these events, because they give me a chance to chance to try out “interesting” editing under the guise of being “fashionable”. Because if this looks good, then so do these:

NYC Fashion Week After Party

NYC Fashion Week After Party

NYC Fashion Week After Party

NYC Fashion Week After Party

And hey, some of my friends even came out that night to “support me”. Meaning “pick up models”:

NYC Fashion Week After Party

The rest of the set, if you’re so inclined, is on my Ettible Photography Facebook Page.