Can we agree that anyone who has a “wedding ideas” board on Pinterest and isn’t engaged is a desperate psychopath who should never be proposed to?
If you have a “someday wedding” board but had the good sense to make it private, I’ll grant you some leeway.
And actually, I’ll grant you all of the leeway if you pin stuff like this:

My BFF, Tracey, says that women have to hoard these ideas now because we’ll otherwise have forgetten the things we’ve liked about other people’s weddings by the time we actually get married. So I’m convinced that every wedding from now on is going to include the things that were popular when Pinterest began: mustaches-on-a-stick, everything chevron, and ombre cakes.
The best part is that I randomly chose those pins, and then discovered that these are the boards they’re from:
• My .:*eclectic bohemian inspired free-spirited color-filled fun-loving flower child*:. dream wedding board
• FINALLY- Wedding november 16, 2013
• Ideas I wish I’d had for my wedding
THAT’S RIGHT. The last person is already married and still has a wedding board. For her second wedding, I assume.
It’s like you live in my head. My favorite is the obsessive “next child” pinning. I mean, it’s cute…if you’re pregnant.
I often wonder how many people DO the things they pin. I’m pretty good about it. I only save it if I’m going to try it about 90% of the time. Sometimes I post things that are nonsensical, and that’s fun, too. But mostly it’s just shameless self-promotion for my OTHER blog.
Go there, people.
I guess we all live in a constant state of 20/20 hindsight. I didn’t do it right with the first kid, so now I have to have the cutest onesies, the best nursery decor, the most creative 1st birthday party.
I’m not sure I’ve EVER done anything I’ve pinned. But I’ve done things that Tracey’s pinned, so it totally counts.
Hahahah, suddenly I’m glad that I “hide” all my wedding ideas in my “events” board. (Like no one’s ever going to figure that out.) But I wanted to avoid being that single-girl-pinning-wedding-ideas.
What she said.
This is hilarious, because I actually specifically checked your boards before I posted this to make sure I wouldn’t overtly offend you, knowing that you want to get married EARLY and OFTEN. So I guess you fooled me.
Wait, now that I read it again I don’t think I actually do what she does. I have actual hidden boards on Pinterest.
Also, I am far too old (I think I’m older than Lady Spinster Edith, for example, and older than the spinsters in Dandelion Wine, as well) to ever be able to get married “early.” Unless we’re talking early in a relationship, in which case I’d have to start all over again with a new boyfriend, seeing as I’m 4 years in on the current.
Even if I’d picked up on it, I would’ve thought they were ideas for helping with your friends’ weddings or something. If the name of the board isn’t I Desperately Need to Get Married in Order to Love Myself, I’m tricked.
KATIE. Thank you. Thank you SO MUCH. I’ve been biting my tongue (fingers?) trying so desperately not to talk about (blog about?) this subject. I had a secret Pinterest before there were secret boards for my wedding, and I only shared it with my bridesmaids and a few close friends (we DIY’ed tons of decorations, and I found it more effective than buying a bagillion bridal mags – which ended up being kind of useless).
Here in the South weddings are a BIG FREAKIN DEAL, so it’s almost a competition to see who can pin the most ridiculous – excuse me, “whimsical” – wedding finds. I hide all my friend’s boards.
And I had two friends with wedding boards post-wedding. *palm to face*
But happened to cake and booze and Uncle Larry doing the drunk electric slide?
Oooooh, secret Pinterest! Brilliant. And if you had bridesmaids, you must have had a proposal, which would have made even your public Pinterest boards un-pathetic. Unless you had named your bridesmaids and told them before the proposal. Which, now that I mention it, is probably happening all over the Midwest right now.
You should basically pin every single one of your wedding photos. Pinterest would fall all over itself to repin those.
This made me laugh so hard. It doesn’t bother me as much because that’s the nature of Pinterest, but I admit every time I see one that says future child I immediately start speculating and gossiping about their pregnancy status!
Maybe I should start a wedding board and pin pictures of your husband for my groom. YES!
Isn’t it wonderful that we all just assume that there will be a future child if we want one, all easy-peasy and neat?
Pinterest is terrifying. I signed up and proceeded to never use it, because it’s so creepy and ubiquitous. I feel like it’s probably good for getting recipes, but once I had a girl stop me on the street to ask me if I learned to braid my hair “off Pinterest” and I got scared of internet sheep and the idea that adult women might not have figured out how braids work without someone posting a tutorial with her disco nails in front of her chevron accent wall.
It’s good for getting terrible recipes, in particular.
Ellie, you made me “HA!” with this comment.
On one hand, the Internet is a terrifying place to be a woman. On the other hand, I had to ask a 13-year-old how to apply eyeliner when I was in college, so thank god for Pinterest and YouTube and blogs and everything else. Not all of us were born with mothers and girly friends and natural feminine wiles, KIM.
Okay, fine, I was born with a mother.
Hahahaha, agreed. I have a friend in a relationship who wants her boyfriend to propose and she keeps pinning to her wedding board and has it linked to Facebook. Every time she posts to it, I cringe. So ridiculous.
And I am depressed that I didn’t use that Jack and Coke idea at my wedding.
I feel so sorry for men and all the pressure some women put on them when it comes to marriage. I hope he gets a Pinterest of his own and starts pinning skimpy lingerie and excerpts from the Kama Sutra. Let’s all play our gender roles, yay!
This post is awesome. And now I want to know what you think of all the crap that I pin. Like I need some sort of palm reading or crystal ball gazing, only where you analyze my pins and tell me all about myself.
Sidebar: Is this a career possibility for the future? Online therapist through examination of pin boards? If so, I call dibs! You and I can have our own LLP.
Oh, yeah, your pins are SICK. The future homeschool planning? Give it a rest. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR KIDS’ EDUCATION.
Okay, but seriously, the ball gowns on your style board do amuse me. Because, you know, Ohio. But I guess if anyone’s going to black tie balls in Ohio, it’s you.
As someone with a pinterest acct that I’ve yet to use once, I cannot speak to pathetic… Heck I cant even speak to pinterest. I’m not even sure how it works! Now that’s pathetic. Lol
I’m shocked, Dishy! You should be pinning all of your recipes to Pinterest. Recipes are practically the reason for Pinterest, and you actually have beautiful photos, unlike half the blogs out there.
The easiest way is just to go to Pinterest and click on the “Add” button in the upper-right corner. You’ll paste the URL to one of your recipe blog post and choose a photo and description from there. Do it!
I love how you include mocking chevron, when m’lady has a chevron background to her blog.
Pinterest was very useful when I was planning my wedding, as it is essentially a giant, visual bookmarks folder. I had a literal bookmarks folder for wedding planning, and it became ridiculous quite quickly. Many ideas I used from my board, and many I didn’t (mostly because I ran out of time, or I forgot). I still pin the occasional wedding-related thing, but that’s mostly because my sister and BFF are both getting married this year, and I’m the maid of honor for both. And I’m ever so slightly terrified at the responsibility.
But what I think you’re really mocking is the idea of doing this when weddings (or babies) are not happening any time soon, or have already happened. As soon as I was married, David and I celebrated NEVER HAVING TO PLAN A WEDDING AGAIN. That was not fun for me. Some people, they looooved planning/having their weddings, and still like to be involved in weddings, someway, somehow. (I feel about those people the same way I feel about people who wish they could re-live high school over and over again – honestly? Mostly amazed. With a wee bit of pity, but mostly amazement.) I unfollowed most of wedding boards as soon as I could, because seeing them gave me more anxiety than anything else.
That being said, my one major complaint about pinterest (besides the terrible recipes and the pro-ana propaganda disguised as “thinspiration”) is that I can’t be more private. (Or maybe I just don’t know how.) I’ve always kept all of my internet dabblings fairly private, and the first time a stranger liked one of my pins, I nearly flipped out. Now, I deal, and post more feminist stuff. Mostly from Tracey. :)
Oh, and the first point is purely selfish, because I TOTALLY had chevron table runners at my wedding. Ha! Though that was a second choice, since I couldn’t find my gray gingham like I wanted.
I also feel like I need to point out that I loved my wedding. I just never want to have one again.
Hey, I totally love chevron! And I would never make fun of someone having chevron at her wedding if she loves it, too. It’s only ridiculous if you pinned it because you wanted to use “the pattern of the moment” at your wedding that wasn’t going to happen for another five years.
I don’t think anyone would ever accuse you of regretting your wedding, even if planning was a pain. I loooooove the idea of using Pinterest for wedding planning. Once you’re engaged. It’s just this idea that there WILL be a wedding and there WILL be babies in all of our futures that I find gross. And I sure wouldn’t marry some woman who was already running down the aisle in her head.
I hate the thinspiration crap so much, but you’re in luck with the privacy! When you scroll down to the bottom of the page that shows your personal boards, there should be three blank boards under the heading “Secret Boards”. Anything you pin to those will be private.
I haven’t been on Pinterest in months, but I do have a wedding board that’s actually ideas for my niece’s wedding because she lied to me and said I could help plan.
Which is extra SUPER pathetic, now that I think about it.
LOL for real.
Can we pretend the reason I don’t know anything about Pinterest is because I’m a dude rather than because I live under a rock? Because I would appreciate that.
I really think it could be because you’re a dude. Kamran makes fun of me all of the time for not knowing what’s going around on Reddit, but he has no idea what’s popular on Pinterest. I think there’s actually a version of Pinterest specifically for men, too.
BUT. You should be putting your work on Pinterest. I actually pinned your cherries and kiwi to my photography board long ago. They link back to your blog posts, so it’s just advertisement for you.