Last Thursday night, I went out with Kim for Shake Shack (burgers, cheese fries, and sweet potato and marshmallow custard with marshmallow creme topping and shortbread)
and Anna Karenina at one of the big Times Square theatres. The movie was so artful it’s kind of hard to describe how it was done: it has sets, like a play, so that characters can walk from one place to another just by going through doors, but it’s not bare and janky like most plays are. The costumes are as elaborate as the sets are, space and time are messed with in exciting ways, and there’s morphine!
But the point of this story is that as Kim and I were approaching the theatre, there was a huuuuu-uuuuu-uuuuuge line stretching to the end of the block. Figuring it probably wasn’t for the movie based on a novel about nineteenth-century Russia, we bypassed it and headed on into the theatre, turning back to read the sign that said it was for . . . Playing for Keeps, the Gerard Butler/Jessica Biel romantic comedy about a soccer dad.
Which has . . . 2% freshness on Rotten Tomatoes.

We are too good for this world.
Damn. I guess I’ll have to wait a few weeks for the lines to get shorter.
They were probably serving punch and pie.
I am so jealous of this date. Kinard and I should have been there, dammit!
Have you had Gibby’s sweet potato fries and marshmallow dipping sauce? It’s basically my favorite thing in Circleville. Well, other than the Volunteers of America and the Big Lots and the Scioto Valley Coffee Shop and the penguin ice cream place and the OCU Christmas lights display…OK clearly I have a problem.
I want to eat all of that. So, so badly.
I hate you right now for teasing me with Shake Shack and Anna Karenina, both of which I can’t have. Please tell me those cheese fries are as amazing as they look. And I can’t wait until Anna Karenina finally opens here!
Playing for Keeps?! Really, people? Not gonna lie, I’ll probably Netflix or Redbox it… but stand in a long line to overpay to see it? Ew.
And omgthosefries.
So this isn’t related to anything (of course), but after you sent me that link I realized I needed to go back and look at your work again. Awesome. Of course. So when you get too busy shooting for Vogue etc. to do anything else can I… like… haul around gear and sweep the floors in your studio and stuff? Because that would be nice.
Granted, I haven’t seen the movie, but I’m willing to bet money that the only redeeming quality of Playing for Keeps is that it was filmed in Shreveport.
now i want shake shack! i’m usually all for hitting up a terrible movie but waiting in line for one? not so sure about that!
I agree with MBG, how can anything filmed in Shreveport be that bad?
Also, I just died over that food. I want it. Now.