Dog Lady

Filed under super furry animals

(I’m still stuck at home. Can you believe I got a two-week vacation out of a hurricane that didn’t affect me at all? I do feel guilt about this, if that makes you feel better about me. But anyway.)

Earlier this week, Kamran and I were waiting for the elevator in his building when I turned and saw a tan French bulldog standing all adorably bow-legged behind me with his owners. I started snorting and drooling all over him, asking his name (Hercules) and telling his owners that Kamran’s allergic to pets and exclaiming over getting to pet my favourite dog breed for the first time in my life and marveling over how soft and sweet he was. The people seemed totally taken aback, and poor Kamran just stood silently in the corner of the elevator while I made a fool of myself for many floors.

I felt totally embarrassed afterward (although, seriously, French bulldog), but when we got back into his apartment, I realized that I was wearing the OSU vet school t-shirt my cousin Bethany gave me. So I’m sure I just appeared to be a passionate vet and not a crazy old dog lady.



  1. Lisa says:

    I think it’s perfectly acceptable to make a fool out of yourself over cute dogs.

  2. Cassie says:

    Oh man, I think it’s illegal NOT to freak out over adorable dogs! Hercules? That’s SO cute!

  3. Elliepie says:

    I do not even understand how freaking out over an adorable dog (especially a Frenchie!) could possibly be shameful.

  4. Jessica R. says:

    You mean the owners weren’t proud of their adorable dog and gushing about how wonderful it was? They obviously need a lesson in what being a good pet owner means.

  5. Weeeeell…


    But that’s OK! There are two French bulldogs that live in the house behind ours, and every time she sees them, Harper collapses in a fit of uncontrollable giggling, and has since the very first time she saw them.

    And if being patently unable to control oneself in the presence of canine cuteness is good enough for Rat, then it’s good enough for all of us.

  6. bluzdude says:

    Be careful now, because next thing you know, those people will be seeking you out when the dog needs treatment. Then you’ll have to pretend to be a vet. Them’s the rules.

  7. Tracey says:

    It’s funny how we all feel weird about our actions. I always feel like dog owners are taken aback by how I ignore their slobbering beasts and tense up in the hopes that they won’t touch me.

    I’m with Jessica in thinking that these were not normal dog-owners.

    Also, if people walked around in public with their cats like they do with their dogs, I would be reduced to a cooing MESS all the time.

  8. Megan says:

    I love French bulldogs! I don’t know, it may be worse that you were wearing a vet school sweatshirt – they may have been worried you were going to try and take his temp ;)

  9. Easier to get away with than yelling, “My! What a BEAUTIFUL CAT!”, anyway.