It Was My Birthday, and You Forgot

Filed under holidays don't suck for me, narcissism

It was my birthday yesterday. I didn’t post here, because I wanted to separate my regular, old blogfriends from the people who would track me down and thrust their friendship upon me on Facebook in order to be able to wish me a happy birthday there.

Just kidding. I was just lazy.

Kamran said this was a prime birthday and therefore didn’t count for much, so he only took me to Dylan’s Candy Bar for a diabetes feast, proved once again that he’s the driving force behind Ettible Photography by buying me the lens I wanted, and let me do whatever I felt like in general.

I picked him up from work, we took the bus home, we ordered gyro platters from The Famous Chicken Place (ridiculous name, awesome food), we watched season 2 of “Big Brother”, we ate candy until we were too sick to continue. He offered to stand a birthday candle in a pile of Skittles for me to blow out, but I was too busy munching to care.

It’s pretty great getting old.


  1. Lisa says:

    I said happy birthday on Twitter, does that count? No? I’ll say it again then, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  2. Cassie says:

    You know, it’s probably good you didn’t blog on your birthday. Only losers do that.

    (Now I’m going back to check to see if I’ve ever done that.)

    • Jessica R. says:

      Um, I just did that. Thanks for the ego boost. *hangs head in shame*

    • katie ett says:

      Pretty sure I do it every year! Or at least the day before, so people have a chance to comment on the post on my actual birthday. See, it’s my way of helping YOU out, so you don’t have to attempt to text me at 2 a.m.

  3. Jessica R. says:

    And now your camera equipment is officially better than mine. I hope that doesn’t mean my plane ticket is going to be canceled.

    Happy Birthday!

    • katie ett says:

      Is it? I was trying to IM you that one day for your opinion, but then I ended up making a decision and didn’t want to tell you and have you say, “Oh, that’s a terrible lens. You’re going to regret that choice bigtime.” Phew.

      • Cassie says:

        You’re still coming. Even if you don’t photograph as the number 1 shooter, your coming is completely selfish.

        As for Ett, it’s doubtly selfish as she paid for her own plane ticket.

  4. That’s some sweet glass right there. Good job, Kamran!

    You know I love you more than Twizzlers, right?

    • katie ett says:

      I’m not actually sure of your opinion on Twizzlers–are we talking classic or Peel-and-Pull here?–but I’ll assume that’s a good thing.

      I was so scared to get a non-Nikon lens, but that thing is getting crazy reviews, so I’m going to go boldly into Sigma territory.

  5. Landlord says:

    Jeez, can I put a clause in our contract that says I get the lens if you don’t pay your rent?

  6. I’m not gonna lie, U.M…
    that doesn’t suck.
    On my birthday you should pretend it’s your birthday all over again. We can split the goods.

  7. Happy Birthday!

    Sounds pretty perfect to me – and I can’t wait to see your first pictures with the new lens!

  8. bluzdude says:

    Happy Birthday, my urbanian friend. May your Skittles never fade!

  9. Megan says:

    Happy Birthday! It sounds like you had a great night… and how sweet that he bought you the lens you wanted AND offered to make you a skittles mound complete with candle :)

  10. bybee says:

    An October birthday! How could I forget??? The Spawn is also October. Happy belated.