Buy My Prints at Society6!

Filed under photography

I’ve recently been trying to coerce my blogfriend Lisa of Elembee to use her incredible design skills to create a new Ettible Photography logo for me. And by that, I mean I wrote to her and said, “Please give me some advice about my logo, but do not under any circumstances spend any time making one for me.” And she said, “Okay, cool,” and then promptly started work on the logo of my dreams.

She also encouraged me to join Society6, a website where artists can sell their prints to their adoring public. Mrs. Bachelor Girl and Cassie have both mentioned print-selling to me in the past (god bless you both), but the idea of setting up an Etsy store and printing the photos myself and shipping them out myself overwhelmed me. Well, Society6 prints on-demand and then ships to your customers for you, so I basically just have to post my photos and watch the dollahs roll in.

So, I have a Society6 store, which I’m going to link you to now with this giant logo:

I had some affliction when it came to pricing, because I assume my customer base is my friends, and I want to charge y’all, like, a buck-ninety-five. But Society6 has a base price of a million dollars per print plus a percentage of whatever I set my price as, so I have to charge a million and a half dollars just to make a cent. My much more cutthroat co-workers informed me that I should leave you all in the dust and aim for a clientele full of eccentric billionaires, so I tried for a middle ground that’s affordable for you but will still let non-you people know that I consider myself legit.

Oh, gosh, just talking about this is making me feel dirty.

Anyway, I’m slowly filling my store, so keep watching it if you’re in the market for an Ettible Photography original. And now through September 16th, you can get FREE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING on any order of my prints using this link.

My prints. Not anyone else’s. Don’t look around the rest of the site.

Thank you for your support, pals!


  1. Cassie says:

    YES. You posted the one I wanted. Enjoy your 2 dollars from the sale. I also posted it to a woman who loves all things Pittsburgh. We’ll see if it goes anywhere.

  2. What an awesome idea! As a longtime collector of Ettible Photography prints, I can’t wait to adopt the “Fried Cheese” one and give it a loving home in my kitchen.

    • katie ett says:

      Haha. I have an Ettible Photography print of my own because of you! I’ll look forward to the Powell Photo Society6 store soon.

  3. Noel says:

    I misread the title of this post as “Buy my pants…” I was sort of more interested in that, to be honest. Anyway, I am only going to buy photos of rural Ohio, so where they already?

    • katie ett says:

      I’m not saying my pants aren’t for sale.

      I’m SO PUMPED to go home at the end of the month and take pictures all over my family’s farm. I even have a photoshoot set up with your good friend and our matchmaker, Stephanie.

  4. Malene says:

    Lovely prints! I was so surprised when I saw the Danish letter “Ø” in “Society”. Funny!

    By the way; I replied on your comment at Katha’s blog, because I’m wondering so much about what so “European” about me – and now I’m very curoius!

    • katie ett says:

      Oh, I couldn’t think where I’d seen that before, but that explains it!

      It’s hard for me to describe exactly what about you is so Denmark/Germany/Poland. The shape of your nose and face in general just reminds me so much of the people in my home state of Ohio, which is of course filled with people whose families came from that part of the world. It’s very comforting.

  5. Jessica R. says:

    You are legit! Too legit to quit.

    Love it and congrats. I hope you make enough off of this to buy a plane ticket to the south. One for Cassie too. And then you can take pictures of the swamp and write it off as a business expense.

    • Cassie says:

      I like the way she thinks.

    • katie ett says:

      I keep getting excited about writing everything off, and Kamran keeps killing my buzz by reminding me that I have to spend a zillion dollars before it makes sense to not take the unitemized deduction or whatever it’s called. I want to write off every plane ticket and lens cap and drive-thru margarita in sight.

  6. Christy says:

    Woohoooo! SO happy for you! The photos all look amazing and I don’t think the price is unreasonable. Can’t wait to read everything you’ve been up to in my absence. I’m hoping much fun & good food. Am I right?? XO

  7. Ash says:

    OMG why is the link broken? Is it because there are millions of people already buying your prints?

  8. Anytime I hear ‘Society’ mentioned in a sentence I start to sweat because I’m probably going to get beaten at the door.