Gone Fishin’

Filed under no i really do love ohio

I’m going to Ohio for a week to see my friends and family and let them grill meatz for me on Memorial Day.

I keep thinking that this is a real holiday, like Christmas or Pumpkin Show or the 4th of July.


But people are going to be working while I’m there! And my best friend says the latest she’ll stay up with me is midnight! And my dad says the attic is full of bats! And if I eat any cookie dough, my pants will explode! And I’m going to miss “Girls” and “Game of Thrones”! WHAT KIND OF LIFE IS THIS?


  1. Jessica R. says:

    Bats?! Yikes.

    Beautiful photo!

  2. Cassie says:

    NO NO NO. Who will I gchat with about raunchy things?

    And yes, that photo is amazing.

  3. Serial says:

    While you’re in Ohio, I will be stuck in a hotel in Atlanta with 1,000 church ladies. WHAT A FUCKING WORLD THIS IS.

  4. bluzdude says:

    DVR, baby! Don’t leave home without it.

  5. Have a safe trip and a great time!
    That looks mighty sparkly…
    *eyebrow raised in concern and poised to break ‘in case of emergency’ glass…*

  6. You seriously take the most print-worthy photos. I know exactly what the centerpiece of my Fourth of July decorations will be this year.

    And please don’t pretend you didn’t know I’m the sort of person who has decorations for every holiday.

  7. Dishy says:

    Hope you’re on your 3rd pair of pants!