Monthly Archives: April 2012

Que Sera, Sera?

Filed under readin' and writin'
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You know how there are those blogs you keep reading and commenting on because, you know, they read and comment on yours? Like, it’s a relationship blog and you can’t imagine how they get anyone to sleep with them, or it’s a fashion blog and all of their clothes are out of the bad part of the 80s, or it’s a humor blog and all of their jokes are about PMS. And you’re like, “OMG, how can you not realize that your blog is so much worse than everyone else’s? How can you read other blogs and not think, ‘I’m doing it wrong’?”

What if you (meaning I) are that blog for other people?

And I’ll Never Get Christmas Presents Again

Filed under holidays don't suck for me, just pictures
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My grandmother joined Facebook just before Christmas. She didn’t (and still doesn’t) have a profile picture chosen, so while she was nosing around the chip bowl on Christmas Eve with my dad and uncle, I started threatening to take one of her eating and post it for all the world to see like so many Michele Bachmanns and James Gandolfinis before her:

Grandma Eating at Christmas

She wouldn’t let me get close, so my uncle helped me with the sneak attack. Knowing that a woman in an embroidered Christmas sweater can’t resist the charms of her youngest son, he made a little small talk with her while I pretended to fidget with my settings . . .

Grandma Eating at Christmas

. . . and then POW!, something even more embarrassing than an eating picture:

Grandma Eating at Christmas

But I still got one of those, too, just in case:

Grandma Eating at Christmas

I will not post these to Facebook.
I will not post these to Facebook.
I will not post these to Facebook.
I’ll probably post these to Facebook.

No “Game of Thrones” Spoilers Contained Within

Filed under a taste for tv, living in new york is neat, super furry animals
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On Saturday morning, I took a cue from Han + Diana and invited Kamran and our friends Nik and Marco to The Dutch for herbed cocktails, fried chicken, and pie so tall you could use it for a baby’s highchair:

lemon meringue pie at The Dutch, NYC

Marko is the thoughtful brother, and Nik is the outrageous brother, and together, they’re a very good time. We spent most of the meal signing each other up for the Draw Something app on our various Apple products, and then I tried Kamran’s tripe and almost threw up in my mouth because it’s cow stomach lining, but then I stopped myself because it’s delicious. And it should be, because it’s made by the same chef who owns Locanda Verde with Robert De Niro. I tell you that so you’ll be dazzled by my brushes with celebrity.

Afterward, I went back to my own apartment and spent the next ten hours marathoning the entire first season of “Game of Thrones” with my friend/roommate/landlord/co-worker, Jack, and my friend Kim, whom I will always refer to as “Kim of Good Hair, Kim Luck”, even though her website has been defunct for almost a year now. As soon as I arrived, Jack handed me a save-the-date postcard for Beth‘s wedding, and Kim acted as if it’s weird that I actually want to attend the nuptials of a person I only know from the Internet, even though there was a time when I only knew Kim from the Internet, and now we’re NYCBFFs.

Game of Thrones Direwolf Collage

We ate direwolf cupcakes with grey sprinkles, looked at The Khaleesi’s boobs, and picked and re-picked our favourite characters from 6 p.m. to 4 a.m. and then had a sleepover for all of five hours before I had to get to Kamran’s and Kim had to get to the gym or something ridiculous, and then neither of us watched the premiere of season two. So don’t spoil it for us. A-holes.