Fotodump Friday

Filed under just pictures, living in new york is neat

Sriracha Wall at Rickshaw Dumpling Bar
the wall of Sriracha at Rickshaw Dumpling Bar

Mural in SoHo
a mural in SoHo

outside the subway during my college friend Sarah’s visit in January

Rockefeller Christmas Tree
the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree during my NYC-turned-SanFran-friend Beth’s visit in December


  1. Landlord says:

    Is that Moby in front of the mural? If only we could get our hands on yo mama’s footage ..

  2. Jessica R. says:

    Beautiful! I especially love the Sriracha wall.

  3. Cassie says:

    I need that sign for my house since it’s monitored by YO MAMA.

  4. Lisa says:

    Holy moly that’s a lot of sriracha. And I can’t decide if that mural is freaking awesome or just freaks me out.

  5. That mural is SO awesome!

  6. Another reason to like Fridays? Why not?!

  7. Sandy says:

    It just occurred to me that that wall of Sriracha was at a dumpling place. Look. I love Sriracha, and I love dumplings. But to mix the two is SACRILEGE. You eat dumplings with malt vinegar and minced garlic, and THAT IS THE ONLY WAY YOU EAT DUMPLINGS.

    • katie ett says:

      I hadn’t thought of what that Sriracha is actually doing there. They serve really incredible sauces (not all of them vinegar-based, you’ll be horrified to know) with the dumplings, so it’s either for the pork buns, or they were just like, “It’s Asian. We’re Asian. Let’s sell it.”

  8. Anthony says:

    Love all of them, great random sampling from the Ettly archives.

  9. Only AFTER The Guy brought home take-out Thai the other night did we realize that we were out of Sriracha. And I swear to God, it was the saddest, most dramatic thing that’s happened to me in YEARS.