My grandmother joined Facebook just before Christmas. She didn’t (and still doesn’t) have a profile picture chosen, so while she was nosing around the chip bowl on Christmas Eve with my dad and uncle, I started threatening to take one of her eating and post it for all the world to see like so many Michele Bachmanns and James Gandolfinis before her:

She wouldn’t let me get close, so my uncle helped me with the sneak attack. Knowing that a woman in an embroidered Christmas sweater can’t resist the charms of her youngest son, he made a little small talk with her while I pretended to fidget with my settings . . .

. . . and then POW!, something even more embarrassing than an eating picture:

But I still got one of those, too, just in case:

I will not post these to Facebook.
I will not post these to Facebook.
I will not post these to Facebook.
I’ll probably post these to Facebook.
Your grandma is so cute.
Can she be mine, too?
I think you’re playing this all wrong. You can get more and better presents if merely threaten to post these to Facebook.
As in, “you better up your game at Christmas time, Granny, or I tell everyone that last shot was you putting your teeth back in after biting your fork too hard.”
And you probably won’t inherit that awesome Christmas sweater either.
Now you just have to get a photo of her flipping you off and you’ll be as awesome as me.
Haha! Well, if your grandma is cool enough to be on facebook, I’m sure she’s cool enough to laugh at these… what I’m saying is, you have to post them.
Ett, you’re pure EVIL.
I’m still trying to explain ‘The Twitter’ to my relatives…
I don’t think a FB lecture series will be happening anytime soon…
Listen, as Christmas sweaters go, that one’s actually not so bad.
And I like that she wears barrettes. Clearly, your grandma is good people.