Isn’t it funny when you’re so close to something that other people’s lack of knowledge about it seems preposterous?
Like when your co-worker comes up to your desk in the year 2010 and asks, “Have you heard of this band Radiohead?”
Or when you overhear a guy dining at the finest restaurant in the city ask the waiter if the oysters can be left off of their signature dish.
Or when you read a blog post in which a woman goes to see the movie version of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, one of your favourite books of all time, and writes:
I was tearing like a silly woman at some point whereas my hubby was holding up his chin and trying hard to keep himself awake with the pop corn. The story about a boy who lost his father in 911 is sentimental but rather slow moving. I think it’s probably not a movie for men who usually enjoy comedies and action.
Have you ever seen someone so entirely miss the point?
Yes, I have a superiority complex.
I had a colleague at lunch today ask me if I know Radiohead. When people ask me things like that it makes me wonder if I’m giving off the perception of a sheltered loser living under a rock.
And you were like, “Have you SEEN my Spotify updates all over Facebook? I like bands that don’t even EXIST yet.”
(I have that on a t-shirt.)
I’m infamous at Fisher for my Spotify spam. I feel like it is a public service.
haha, i read or heard someone’s review of that movie as well, and this is basically what it was: “it was so depressing i couldn’t stand it.” to which i wanted to scream, “uh, you did know it was about 9/11 before you went, right? not exactly giggles and goddamn sunshine.”
Seriously. What we need to write is a retelling of 9/11 in which the towers are made of rubber clown noses, and the planes bounce off of them and everyone lives happily ever after. Yay!
But it’s OK to have a superiority complex when you are, indeed, superior.
That’s what I tell myself, anyway.
(See what I did there?)
What is the point? I think the Times’s review says it all:
I prefer my oysters served on a bed of leaves from fake plastic trees.
I actually just finished this book – so good!