I read an article about the ubiquitous Tory Burch a couple of weeks ago that basically claimed her husband rescued her from being a no-name PR girl, gave her her company, and then decided he wanted an exact replica of that company for himself. Only instead of selling things “two-yacht housewife” can afford like Tory does, he wants to sell to every woman.
I am that every woman, and I love his store, C. Wonder. Here’s a sampling of what you can buy at the NYC location (which looks like it was designed by Willy Wonka) and online:

The thing that really knocked my socks off was that when you order something from C. Wonder (like the slow-cooker, which I got on sale for, like, $11), your receipt comes in this packaging:

Love x 1000.
See my friend Ash’s review for more on the store!
In other news, random.org chose a number for me, and it was:

Which means the winner of my embroidered pillow from Too Crewel is:

Mrs. Bachelor Girl is one of the first and best supporters of this blog, and the random number generator has rewarded her for her time. I’ll be e-mailing you, lady!

Pretty sure MBG needs that pillow more than anyone else in the world. Being a new mother ain’t easy! Rest your head, darling!!
Yeah, so I’m sitting here at work…adding stuff to my wish list from the C.Wonder website…like the dachshund boxes, and the blue tealight, and I love those striped plates that are on clearance…and I think we’re just going to do our wedding reistry online there. New obsession! New things to PIN on PINTEREST. Thanks! ;-)
(And, I’m sure if Andrew were reading this he would also say “Thanks”, but in a sarcastic tone…)
You’re weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelcome. If that store had those little wedding registry guns, things would get DANGEROUS.
I’ve never ordered anything from C.Wonder but I’m loving that pouch!
Me, too! They have a grey/yellow bag that’s almost cuter, but it’s only shoulder-strap-style and not clutch-style. Boooo.
Wait wait, what is that blue and white thing with the cord coming out? And that sliver of paper with things on it? I don’t know, but I like it!
Yeah, sorry, I got a little lazy. The blue thing is a portable speaker, and the “paper” is actually a tray with keys printed on it.
Oh em gee that packaging is amazingggggg. And I want pretty much all of that.
I had to show The Guy your email before he’d believe me that I won.
But despite his general dislike of throw pillows, he actually thinks the one Liesi made is really, really cute! Maybe I should hire her to make ALL my throw pillows – then we’d both be happy!
Who dislikes throw pillows?!
Well, actually, now that you mention it, I have another friend who comes home every night to find that her boyfriend has thrown her pillows off the couch and onto the floor. I would MURDER that man.
I love everything in that photo above, including the receipt case. Thank you for sharing this – seriously, great store!!
PS: My Stuff I would like to Have page thinks your Stuff I Like page is cute and would like to get together for drinks sometime.
Your Stuff I Would Like to Have page is creepy! I just looked, and there’s, like, a half-chewed-up dog on there and a voodoo doll dog toy and . . . my Stuff I Like page is scared.
Okay, I’ll give you the dog, but Mr. Beetle Man is a BIRD toy, sheesh.
Your Stuff I like page is obvious too refined for mine. Or as Georgia would say, she’s a real “Sparkle Pants Pretty Pony.” (real word)
Hilaaaaaarious. I feel like I need more Maddie and Georgia action on your blog.
(Sorry, Kiwi!)
$40 throw pillows are considered “affordable”?
I’m not cut out for this world.
Look at the sale items, you surly bitch.
No, um, I mean, yeah, you’re right. I guess I meant compared to the very similar stuff his ex-wife makes for 18 times the price.
p.s. Love you.
Designed by Willy Wonka you say?
I think I could pass as an Oompa Loompa…
so… you know… maybe I should pass along my information?