I Need an Invisibility Cloak

Filed under jobby jobby job job

Why are you looking at me every time you pass by my desk?

We’re not friends!

I’m not going to look back!

You’re going to feel bad about yourself!


  1. Jessica R. says:

    YES. If you find one, please lend it to me. I have a coworker that I wish I could hide from anytime I see him about to cross my path. Oh what I wouldn’t give for an invisibility cloak… and for him to take a hint.

  2. knittinglizzie says:



    Wait, what?

  4. bluzdude says:

    I love that my current cube at work is buried in a corner. No one comes my way unless they need to see me in particular. No more looky-loos, so I’m free to scratch in peace.

  5. Christy says:

    Way worse than that is the “clinger” at the gym. NOT THAT I GO TO ONE ANYMORE, but when I did.. watch out. He sported skin tight bicycle shorts, a deep cut tank top and an extra furry back (arms, legs, etc.) At least at work all that would be covered w. business attire. (unless of course you WORK at a gym.. then watch out.)

  6. Ash says:

    Creepy creep creep.

  7. U.M.!?
    Oh, U.M.?!
    Come out, come out wherever you are!
    I know she’s here.
    She was just here a minute ago.