Monthly Archives: February 2012

Hotels Near Times Square Are Gaudy and Wonderful

Filed under just pictures, living in new york is neat
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Hotel Wellington NYC

Looking down into Times Square from West 55th Street.

I Need an Invisibility Cloak

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Why are you looking at me every time you pass by my desk?

We’re not friends!

I’m not going to look back!

You’re going to feel bad about yourself!

A Guide to What Happened at the Oscars for People Who Don’t Really Care

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I didn’t watch the Oscars last night (and similarly didn’t see a single one of the nominated movies this year, because seriously, what?), but here’s what I gather happened based on the tweets and Facebook updates of my friends:

• Billy Crystal appeared in blackface (this has to be a joke, right?)

• J. Lo’s nipple slipped

• People liked Rooney Mara but not her name

• Everyone thought it was funny to talk about current nominees winning for previous pictures (“if Christopher Plummer doesn’t win for The Sound of Music . . .”, “Meryl Streep has it in the bag for Death Becomes Her“)

• Cirque du Soleil was really the whole reason to watch, unless you were a straight male, in which case it was “gay”

• Someone named Octavia Spencer exists and did something that people are “whoo!”ing about

• Last night was the first night that anyone ever noticed Angelina Jolie is skinny

• Someone sang a song and was missing a tooth

• People exist who don’t like Tom Hanks (WHAT?!)

• Jonah Hill got fat again (YES!)

• People care more about zombies than award shows

I didn’t see The Artist, but here’s my favourite Facebook post about its winning, by my friend Steve:

“What a shock! A mediocre movie that makes people feel that they’re smart and sensitive. Once again, the Academy sinks to the occasion.”

His friend Drew asked, “Was it the ‘Here Come The White People To Save Us!‘ movie?”

Steve said, “No, it was the ‘It’s Silent So It Must Be Art‘ movie.”

Until next year, when I don’t watch again!

Giveaway: Too Crewel Embroidered Pillow

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You’ve already seen me brag about the gorgeous custom piece Liesi of Too Crewel made for me recently. Well, since I started reading her blog months ago, I’ve been eyeing a certain item in her Etsy store.

And today, Liesi and I are giving it away to you! (I know. I can’t believe how unselfish I am, either.)

Adorable, right? I can basically see it fitting into any decor, anywhere. And since it has the U.S. map embroidered on it, people will stop referring to you as “that yellow-bellied commie bastard” and started referring to you as “the greatest American hero”.

How to Enter:

1) Leave me a comment. Tell me about the other pillows you own or what position you sleep in at night or whatever you want. Make sure you fill out the field in the comment form with your e-mail address so I can write to you when you win.

2) Like my Unapologetically Mundane Facebook page for an extra entry. Just comment separately and let me know you’ve Liked it. If you’ve Liked it previously like a good blogfriend, you can still get the extra entry if you leave a comment telling me so.

3) Tweet about my giveaway on Twitter for yet another extra entry. Just include my Twitter handle, @ettible, and say whatever else you like. Leave a separate comment to let me know you’re a follower.

Have I mentioned that the comments all need to be separate? It’s so you’ll have a better chance to win. More entries = more chances.

I’ll let choose a number for me next Friday. Good luck!


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Poo-Pourri: potpourri for your poo.

This is my dad, demonstrating the face my stepmom makes in response to his bathroom dealings and the reason she bought this for him for Christmas.