Rich in NYC

Filed under living in new york sucks so hard

The best way to show you’re rich in NYC is to own a white coat and to keep it dry-cleaned.


  1. Dishy says:


  2. Cassie says:

    Good thing I ain’t rich because I’d A.) never keep a white coat clean and B.) look like a beached whale in that much white.

  3. Jen says:

    Lab scientists must be so full of themselves.

  4. clubbingdresswearer says:

    Sweet! I guess I’m rich….in Kentucky….I own a white coat, and I’m so confident (in my wealth, apparently) that I haven’t washed it (yes, it’s washable) in a year or so. The blueberry stain from my smoothie a few weeks ago adds character.

  5. Megan says:

    What’s dry cleaning?! ;)

  6. Loren says:

    Doesn’t this make you rich pretty much anywhere?
    Also I have a white vintage blazer. Does that put me in like upper middle class?

  7. I can’t even keep my black coat clean.
    Could be trouble.