I Hate All Kids. Except for This One and This One and This One and That One and That One.

Filed under all of my friends are prettier than i am, no i really do love ohio

I guess the rule with me is that I don’t like kids unless I know them. Or know their parents. Or have seen pictures of them on a blog. Before I visit my friend Katie, as I do every time I’m home, I secretly start thinking things like, “I don’t feel like seeing kids right now,” and “You know we’re going to start talking about dumb kid stuff the entire time I’m there.” And then I get there and am reminded that I actually love seeing these kids and somehow love talking about dumb kid stuff, too. Weird.

I think it helps that Maria and Baby Evelyn are overwhelmingly outgoing. They were napping when we arrived, and when Katie went to check on them, Maria asked, “Who’s here?” Katie said, “Katie, Tracey, and Kamran,” and Maria said, “I’m scared of Kamran.”

Which is hilarious, because

1) she’s never met Kamran, and
2) approximately three minutes later, they were best friends.

Here are some pictures of them that in no way capture their cuteness:

Maria put on her Halloween costume for us. When you press a button in the crotch of the skirt, it plays classical music. It looks very inappropriate until you figure out what’s going on.

I also had to include the uncropped version of the picture so you can see Evelyn swinging off the side of the piano bench in a short-lived suicide attempt.

I know this is kind of cheesy and unlike me, but I guess even I like to be reassured that babies like me:

No, really, they like the game where their dad, Nick, forces them into a box and puts the lid on, I swear!:

I love Nick’s expression in this one; he seems to be confused by one of his children quietly strangling his other one, as if this doesn’t happen on a daily basis:

For real, you can’t help but love them, right?


  1. Cassie says:

    I used to hate kids. Seriously. Then I had one. I actually remember telling my Mom I was pregnant and she said a few minutes after all the happy yays, “Um, don’t you hate kids?”

    So now, I’m reformed. I love my kids and tolerate other kids. Especially when it’s only a photo and I don’t get to see how horrible they actually are. I kid. Mostly. (Although, Miss Sarah Rinaudo is AAAAADORABLE! And her hair is for real.)

    I also have a hard time not being able to parent other people’s kids when they’re being little shits.

    Oh, and side note, those kids are genuinely adorable.

    • Jessica R. says:

      Awe, thanks Cassie. Your kids are pretty darn cute too, and I’ve even met one of them in person and find her even more adorable than I do online. Now, on to meeting the others…

    • katie ett says:

      So I take it Matt forced you into it? “Bear my children, wife, or I’ll drop you right back at that T.G.I.Friday’s where I met you.” (Friday’s, right?)

      I just think it’s amazing how much of a kid’s cuteness is wrapped up in her personality. I know that half of how adorable I think these kids are doesn’t show up in the photos, which makes me think I would explode upon meeting Mae.

  2. caropal says:

    Dear Katie,

    You better love my future children. OR ELSE.


    • katie ett says:

      Oh, I do! I already have a store of Ohio-themed onesies to send them. And diaper covers with my face on them, because I know you’re using cloth.

  3. Loren says:

    Ha! I feel the same way about kids. Unless they are directly related to someone I love I could really care less. But then we I DO hang out with them I’m reminded ‘Why do I hate kids again? This isn’t so bad!’ And then they start crying on me or something. And it’s the WORST again.

    • katie ett says:

      I think knowing that I’m the same way must really stress out my friends; they probably see my face turn from joy to horror the moment the kids start to scream or poop and want to tell them to stop acting up or Auntie Katie won’t buy them expensive presents. I mean, assuming that my friends care what I think of their kids.

  4. Andrea says:

    Cute kiddos! I love her costume. :)

  5. Jessica R. says:

    Those kids really are completely adorable. I’m glad you got a healthy dose of adorable kids and they didn’t make you too crazy. Like Cassie, I wasn’t all that crazy about them either until I had one. Now I get what all the fuss is about.

    • katie ett says:

      I figure there must be something about them, because my friends who have them always seem to want me to come over to hang out with them rather than take the excuse to leave their husbands home with them while we ladies go out and par-tay. Or else maybe having babies makes you too tired to leave the house. Either way, it’s all a mystery to me, but I’m obviously fascinated since I love reading yours and Cassie’s and Andrea’s blogs.

  6. welfy says:

    I don’t like kids either unless I know them, and sometimes, not even then. :P They’re too loud and messy for me.

    Those kids are pretty cute though. I love the last picture best!

    • katie ett says:

      Yeah, loud and messy is fun for a while, but after that, I want to sit on the couch and watch movies and not have to make sure someone isn’t dying from climbing onto the kitchen table and then falling off and stuff. We’re so selfish!

  7. Cristy says:

    I absolutely LOVE being an aunt (& a great-grandma – ha!). I think when my sis, Sharee, had her baby last December is when I really settled into loving it. I got to see her right after Alexa was born and was a part of the lovey stuff right at the beginning. It was so awesome. Does it make me want kids? No. But it does make me want my family to keep producing them, so I can love on them and enjoy the love around them. :)

    Those kids are adorable, and your pics are so cute. I *really* love the one w/her hand on your leg. That is so touching (hee hee :) ). Really.

    • katie ett says:

      Yes, this is EXACTLY how I feel! I’m constantly pressuring everyone around me to have babies so I can leisurely enjoy watching them grow up without having to do any actual work myself. I’m so interested in what it’s really like to have a newborn, but not interested enough to actually have one!

  8. I only like cool, well-behaved kids. Uptight, neurotic kids who are afraid of everything (like I was) get on my nerves.

    Obviously, I’m super stoked about becoming a mom, but I’m less enthusiastic about putting up with Harper’s future playmates.

    • katie ett says:

      Ha! I kind of pictured you being a know-it-all kid, but not an uptight, neurotic, fraidy-cat kid!

      I look forward to your blog posts about the awful parenting skillz of Harper’s friends’ families. It’s aaaaaaaaaaall blog fodder, right?

  9. Dishy says:

    They better have fired the guy who made the princess costume. That is just all kinds of wrong.


    Adorable pictures! Your friends are beautiful & have made a beautiful family in the process. Much happiness !

  10. Lisa says:

    I’m ok with kids who are well-behaved and not obnoxious. Which rules out pretty much any kid I run into at the grocery store. (Whoever invented those stupid kid-sized grocery carts deserves a slow, painful death. Same to the parents who actually let their kids use them.) Also, babies that can’t hold up their own head scare me.

  11. Tracey says:

    I loooooved looking at all these pictures. If Dan and I ever do bite the bullet and become parents, I’m going to hire you as my live-in photographer to take thousands of close-up shots right in their faces.

    Actually, I would have some kids right now if I could be assured that they would be no work and all photos.