Put a Bird On It

Filed under living in new york is neat

I love hipster SoHo as much as the next gal, but when I saw this lamppost coming out of the subway the other day,

Put a Bird On It

I couldn’t help but think of the “Put a Bird On It” sketch from “Portlandia”:


  1. Ha!
    I’ve never seen that before – hilarious!

  2. Jessica R. says:

    That’s great! Also, I really hate that birds became trendy AFTER I picked them as a theme for Sarah’s nursery. Or maybe I just started the trend…

  3. Cassie says:

    That reminds me of when I was in high school, all the guys were trying to be cool like in the Fast and the Furious, and put spoilers on everything. So we’d say, “Put a spoiler on it.”

    Guess you had to be there.

  4. Andrea says:

    The blogess did several posts dedicated to this theme and that show. Then she created merchandise for “put a bird on it” and all hell broke loose. Hilarity ensued. Do you read her? If not, add her to your feed. You’ll get a laugh a day, fo sho.

  5. Serial says:

    I’d just like to add that I’m from Portland so I was over hipsters before everyone else was over hipsters.

  6. At least they didn’t put an owl on it.

    • Lisa says:

      Hey now, don’t hate on the owl.

      • HA! I knew you were going to say that!

        You know I love owls :) Just wait’ll you see my next MBG post, in which I make everyone look at my Halloween decorations in the manner of those rubes who insist on trapping unsuspecting dinner guests in their living room and forcing slides of their vacation to Niagra Falls upon them.

  7. stela says:

    I absolutely love that show!

  8. Dishy says:

    HAHhahahhahahahh!!! As I sit here typing w/ a bird on my shoulder doing unmentionable things, I LOVE IT. Have to show this to Mads when she gets home.

    “ahh!! i’m allergic” LOL!!!

  9. Tracey says:

    Did you hear that the show got another season? So excited!