Monthly Archives: September 2011

Pass Me the Black Eyeliner

Filed under narcissism, stuff i like
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When I wore my insanely rad FableAndFury two-headed deer necklace the other day, multiple people commented that they’re pretty sure it’s just two deer standing beside each other:

It’s not two deer, people! It’s not cutesy! It’s dark! DON’T YOU KNOW HOW INCREDIBLY EMO I AM?!

Maybe I need to upgrade to the REDRUM necklace so people will take me seriously.

That Little Voice in Your Ear

Filed under creepy boyfriend obsession
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For a short while, the recording that played when you called my company was of my voice. When our new phone system was installed, the woman who records the greetings company-wide was on vacation, so the IT department asked me to record the greeting.

Wait. Actually, they asked me to recommend someone with a good speaking voice to do it. And I was like, “Well, people have TOLD ME that I should be a voice actor. I wouldn’t want to, you know, toot my own horn or anything, but . . .” And they were like, “Oh, all right.” Embarrassing.

Naturally, during this time, I had extensive fantasies involving all of my exes finding out about this and then calling my workplace continuously, waiting anxiously for the part where I seductively said quality assurance. I later went on to do the voiceovers for two of our marketing videos, which I now assume they’ve favourited on YouTube and listen to quietly in the bathroom on their iPhones after dinner, the soothing words enterprise content management system the only thing keeping them from raising their hands to their nagging new girlfriends and wives some nights.

These are the kinds of thoughts that get me through repeated friend request rejections by them on Facebook.

The One in Which I Lose the Two Black Friends I Have

Filed under good times at everyone else's expense, living in new york is neat
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A salon in Downtown Brooklyn:

So, then, what is white elegance? Is it too racist if I say “spelling things correctly”?

How Many Times Can I Talk About Excrement in One Post?

Filed under just pictures, living in new york is neat, living in new york sucks so hard, potty mouth
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A pretty fountain in the gardens outside of Kamran’s apartment building that speaks of a grander time when you noticed the 1920s handmade Italian tiles on the sides of the buildings more than the streaks of not-quite-cleaned-up-well-enough dog poo on the sidewalks. Not that I blame them. Touching feces through a plastic bag is still touching feces.

Tudor City Greens

And speaking of poo, I finally posted another poll on IS IT PEE-PEE? today. This one was motivated by Dishy of The Daily Dish and The Daily Dish, and her hilarious bloggin’ daughter, Madison.