Monthly Archives: July 2011

Controlling Your Seat Fate

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One of the greatest things about getting on the bus at an early stop after work is that I get a seat exactly always. And one of the greatest things about getting a seat exactly always is having a hand in deciding who gets it once I get off. Last night, there were probably four times as many people at my stop as usual, so it was clear a bus hadn’t come by in a while. If my stop is crowded, every other stop is likely to be crowded, so I steeled myself for thirty minutes of feeling awkward about sitting while so many people are standing yet being lazy enough to not want to give up my seat.

Our driver was apparently a fledgling stand-up comedian, because she was making comments at every stop over the bus’s loudspeaker, telling us to “step up, move in, get to know your neighbor” and calling out to the screaming baby in front, “You tell ’em, girl!” I especially appreciated it when a woman at the South Street Seaport stop made a big deal about how crowded the bus was, and the driver said, “Oh, here, let me ask some of these people to get off so you can be more comfortable,” and then left the woman standing on the curb with her mouth open.

Read the rest here!

Photo Excursion: Battery Park

Filed under all of my friends are prettier than i am, just pictures, living in new york is neat
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A few of my friends and I have big, fancy cameras and no idea what to do with them, so we decided to start a photo excursion club and take periodic jaunts in photogenic locations to improve our skillz.

Well, Anthony,


and I have big, fancy cameras. Jack has an iPhone. But he’s really serious with that iPhone:

We started out in Battery Park, which is just in front of our office building and has the most incredible views of Brooklyn, New Jersey, Ellis Island, and of course, the Statue of Liberty:

Look! Look! She’s in the foreground and background! See how clever I am?

We took about a zillion photos of flowers and bees landing on them (Anthony even tried to demonstrate to us that you can grab a bee and let it go before it realizes what’s going on, but after a few attempts, I think I convinced him he was going to lose a hand), but naturally I didn’t have my shutter speed set fast enough and didn’t capture a single good-looking shot.

Jack did manage to find some slower-moving wildlife, though:

We creepily watched other people’s kids play in the Battery Park fountain,

and saw a woman who may or may not have been Sinead O’Connor wearing a superhero costume play a concert inside Castle Clinton until the sun began to set:

We had been planning to walk up the East side of Manhattan, but the promise of the smoggy Jersey City moonlight drew us West to Battery Park City and the lovely promenade that spans its length. We stopped to watch a blues concert on the water, and I thought about how wonderful it is to live in a city where something like that is going on every second of the day.

Of course, it’s also the kind of city that commissions poop-shaped sculptures for its parks, so maybe it’s a trade-off:

Passing a group of chess tables, we jeered Anthony into planking (or “lying down game”, as Wikipedia calls it):

and then hilariously looked not ten feet away to see another dude copying him.

After that, Jack lost to himself in a sad game of imaginary chess, which I took a picture of:

and Anthony took a picture of:

and Jeff took a picture of (while accidentally using his color picker function, rendering about half of the photos he took black, white, and blue):

To show that he was more important than we are, Anthony pretended to assume professional photo-taking postures but was really just using them as an excuse to air out his crotch:

The sky went from blue

to black before we knew it

and we apropos-ly ended our photo expedition at the in-progress 9/11 memorial. Freedom Tower, as it was known. Or One World Trade, as we fondly call it:

We passed finance types lounging drunkenly at crowded outdoor cafes, collars unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up, and headed somewhere a little more our style:

Because as Jeff’s photos show, clearly we don’t know how to handle ourselves in public:

A Flower Grows in Manhattan

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You know how they say that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing? Well, someone taught me how to use a Polaroid brush in Photoshop yesterday.

So now I clearly will be using it on everything.

You’re welcome.

What’s Going on in There?

Filed under jobby jobby job job, potty mouth
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The door to the women’s restroom in one of my company’s offices. Intriguing.

Padded Seats and Warmed Hearts

Filed under all of my friends are prettier than i am, fun times on the subway, just pictures
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Jack, Nik, and me as photographed by Kamran on the Long Island Rail Road (or Railroad, in my opinion) on the way to our friend Anthony’s house two weekends ago with our friends Eric and Christine for cheeses, habanero vodka, and fun times in the schoolyard pretending to be cast members from The Breakfast Club:

I’m not sure I remember the scene where Anthony Michael Hall gets a titty-twister from Judd Nelson, but I’m sure it happened.