Accidental Racism is Probably Still Racism

Filed under good times at everyone else's expense, jobby jobby job job, my uber-confrontational personality

Sometimes I pass the one black lady with natural hair on our floor at work and think about that sign I put up that one time on the bathroom door about going to stall #4 “if you want to see the longest pube ever” before I knew there was a long history of black people’s hair being compared to pubes, and even though it could’ve totally actually been a pube, it probably was her hair, and she never says hi back when I say hi, and I kind of understand why.


  1. I don’t really trust most of what I read in a public restroom.
    Guess I’m still a bit jaded from the whole 867-5309 incident.

    • You were one of those people trying the number with every area code in the book, eh? Tommy Tutone really left a world of broken hearts in his catchy, catchy wake.

  2. It’s OK, Katie, everyone’s a little bit racist sometimes.

    Doesn’t mean we go around committing HATE CRIIIIIIIIMES.

    Ethnic jokes might be uncouth

    But we laugh because they’re based on truth

    Don’t take them as personal attaaaaaaaacks

    OK, I’ll stop now.

    • Serial says:

      Seeing Avenue Q (in … 2005? 2006?) remains one of my favorite New York experiences ofalltimever.

      And every time Katie Ett calls herself racist, I think of that song.

      • That’s when I saw it, too! You should probably come up here and see “Book of Mormon” with me. In 2012, when tickets become available again. Grr.

    • I actually kind of feel like I did commit a hate crime, but I’m glad you see it otherwise. Or are at least pretending to so you can quote those lyrics.

  3. Sandy says:

    You actually put that sign up? Fascinating.

    • This was around the time we were finding poo smeared on the toilet seats, so I just wanted to call them out on being messy bessys. I may have been a little naive.

  4. Dishy says:

    You might not think I’d be super-sensitive to racist comments as a blue eyed-blonde haired northern European, but BOY AM I. I hate all forms of racism – but esp. BLONDE JOKES. oooooh do they get my blood boiling. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    • You know how people on reality TV shows are always saying, “So-and-so is only making fun of me because she’s jealous!”? And how you’re always like, “Get a clue! No one’s jealous of you, sucka!”?

      Well, in this case, everyone really is just jealous of your blonde hair and blue eyes, so take those blonde jokes as a compliment, smartypants.

  5. Cassie says:

    Around these parts, it’s a lot of Dego comments.

    Still not sure if it’s OK to say dego or not.

    • My Italian co-workers refers to himself as one at least once a day, but yeah, I’ll have to ask him if he’d beat you up for saying it to his face.