This morning, my co-worker Anthony sent me this photo and asked, “Is this too gross to put on Facebook?”:

I wrote back and said, “Um, NO. It’s beautiful! And it’s the state bird of Ohio.”
He said, “I knew you would appreciate it, and I agree, but I got some very strange looks while I was shooting it.”
I said, “I’ve taken more than one photo of a dead bird in my time, so I know those looks well.” I didn’t mention that I’m also the girl who takes pictures of stray food and URINE, FOR GOD’S SAKE.

This one was stuck in the revolving doors of my office building. I wanted to get a really down-and-dirty picture of it, but all of my co-workers were waiting for me outside for our monthly dinner club, and the security guards were staring me down like I was some sort of freak for wanting a lasting memory of a crushed bird.

This one was on the stairs leading up to Tudor City from the United Nations headquarters, and I appreciated that someone had . . . I don’t know . . . scooped it onto a pile of cardboard and given it something to eat but still left it there in the middle of the stairs to get stepped on in the dark? Now that I look back, I’m slightly worried that the thing was clinging to its last breath, and there I was, repeatedly flashing a bright light in its eyes for my blogging whims.
Yes! My friend Noel sent me these photos of a decaying goose in a bed of flowers from her trip to Alaska in 2009:
She wins.
Uh oh… it’s just a short flight from here to Birdie Snuff Films.
There are a lot of perversions out there, and I seek to serve them all here on Unapologetically Mundane.
So what will you name your new dead bird blog?
From Tweets to Lunchmeats? Murdered Bird Herd? LOST AND LONELY LEFTOVERS?
As soon as I asked you that, I realized that Avian Holocaust is already the best name ever, despite its possible offensiveness.
But I really like “Murdered Bird Herd”, because then you could call yourself a “Murdered Bird Herd Nerd”.
I’m stopping.
Is that a Chuck reference? Because I’m on board. I have a thing for Morgan.
Totally unintentional! I’ve never seen the show, but I’m super curious now.
Too sad to be witty. I love birds. We found a dead mole and disemboweled squirrel on the trail in the past week. The squirrel we left in place (it was gone yesterday) but the mole got scooped and tossed into the brush at the side. Poor little thing..
It’s strange to me that I actually care about these guys, too. Like, the idea that the pigeon may have still been alive and blinded by the flashes from my camera causes me real regret now. Yet you can chop right through the head of a lobster in front of me, and it’s nooooo problem.
At least some other animal probably got a good meal out of your mole and squirrel. You’re the godmother of the trail!
WOW, I feel almost like a superhero! :)
I have to agree, that first photo is beautiful.
Here I seem to see dead squirrels everywhere, and they aren’t nearly as beautiful.
What’s with everything dying in the South? I should be having you take photos for the dead bird blog my best friend assumes is forthcoming.
The colors on your friend’s photo is awesome. He must use a great camera.
He does have a nice camera, but the colors are just caused by that dumb (and awesome) iPhone app, Hipstamatic. It really makes any boring, old picture look cool. And cool pictures look crazy.
Goddamn pregnancy hormones made me cry at this post.