Monthly Archives: February 2011

Living the Ohio Life at Three Times the Rent

Filed under all of my friends are prettier than i am, living in new york is neat, no i really do love ohio
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Last Friday, I was alone. I knew Kamran would be at the library all night with just over a week left before the bar exam, so I’d planned for many hours of one-on-one time with the DVR and “Criminal Minds”. But right about quittin’ time, I started feeling like I wanted to do something. I thought about how ironic it is to live in New York City and keep a blog about it and then sit home quietly eating bon-bons on a Friday night.

I thought about calling my former NYCBFF, Beth, but then I remembered she moved to San Francisco. Then I thought about calling my current NYCBFF, Ash, but then I remembered she’s trying to save money to buy a house and move somewhere even worse, Connecticut. Then I thought about calling Chantee, but then I remembered she’s busy rigging rich people’s taxes for the next two months. And on and on. I went through a mental list of each and every person I know in NYC and found a reason not to call any of them. And I felt like if I was just going to sit around on my couch, I might as well be sitting on a couch with my BBFF back in Ohio.

But just then, my NYCBFF IMed me and said she’s now a bazillionaire, doesn’t need to save all of her money anymore, and wanted to hang out! So I went to her luxuriously large apartment in Queens, and we got into her brand new CR-V, and her husband drove us to The Cheesecake Factory. Which was in a mall. In Long Island. Full of people in not just Juicy Couture velour tracksuit bottoms, which Ash says is okay, but the whole tracksuit.

Cheesecake Factory

It was the very un-NYC-est thing we could do and also the un-suckiest.

I’m Sure One of You Knows Title-Appropriate Rap Lyrics, and That Makes Me Sad

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Call me a farmgirl, but something that still doesn’t make sense to me after five and a half years in New York City is people rapping along to their iPods. It seems like once you know the words, rapping takes basically no talent. Rhythm is important, sure, but anybody with functioning vocal cords can talk along to the beat.

I don’t exactly “get” anyone who makes audible noises on the train or the sidewalk, but I can at least appreciate someone singing along to quote-unquote real music, like the guy covering a Marvin Gaye song on the 7 the other night so low and sweet I’m not sure anyone else heard him. But I always wonder if maybe there’s an alternate universe where men all over the city are scoring girls based on their talking skills.

A Long Family History of Underwear Turmoil

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This weekend, I found a plastic bag containing all of the dirty underwear I brought back from my ten-day Christmas trip to Ohio. They were all of my favourites, because of course I bring my most comfortable underwear on vacation with me. So I threw them into the wash last night with the rest of my clothes. You know, the clothes that hadn’t been festering in a plastic bag for two months.

. . . so there’s something you know about me that you can never unknow.

Relatedly, when my mom and dad went on their honeymoon to Niagara Falls, they realized when they came home that they’d left a duffel bag full of my dad’s dirty underwear behind in the hotel room. Pretty sweet tip for the cleaning lady, right? I’m mostly just impressed that my dad owned more than one pair of underwear in his 20s and that he classed it up by storing them in a duffel bag rather than a leftover grocery store sack.

Happy Anniversary!

Filed under creepy boyfriend obsession, holidays don't suck for me
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I just think it’s so sweet of couples everywhere to join in celebrating my four year, five month anniversary with Kamran today.

Oh, it’s Valentine’s Day, you say? I had no idea.

See, while the rest of you will be busy eating romantic dinners, receiving roses at your various workplaces to make your single co-workers jealous, deciding if you’re going to share any of the chocolates from your Godiva sampler, or in the absolute most embarrassing case, getting proposed to, I’ll be sitting home alone.

My boyfriend of four years and five months will be taking a bar exam prep course for twelve hours and then spending the rest of the evening in the library with his study partners. (Who are both male, if there was some concern.)

He’s promised to take me to dinner and shower me in chocolate once the bar is over in another week and a half, but in the meantime, I’m on my own. We usually do laundry together on Sundays, but he was studying all day yesterday, so I went to my own apartment but foolishly volunteered to come back to his place to do it alone tonight. On Valentine’s Day.

So I’m going to wear my t-shirt that says, “My Boyfriend Totally Loves Me Even Though He’s Making Me Wash His Underwear on Valentine’s Day.” Then I’m going to tap each person in the laundry room on the shoulder and individually tell them that I’m only there because my boyfriend’s training to be a totally important intellectual property attorney.

And then I’ll make a big show of folding the pillowcase I got for him:

That’s not pathetic at all, right?

I Need a Music Video

Filed under a taste for tv, living in new york is neat, music is my boyfriend
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I kind of assume no one’s watching “Saturday Night Live” anymore except when Jesse Eisenberg‘s hosting, so you probably missed this quietly hilarious digital short from Andy Samburg and the Lonely Island boys that’s been stuck in my head all week:

I know that a lot of you get really tickled by turns of phrase like I do, and this one just doesn’t stop being funny to me:

I just had sex
And it felt so good
A woman let me put my penis inside her

I just had sex
And I’ll never go back
To the not-having-sex ways of the past

Plus, the whole singing-on-the-roof of 30 Rock (where Kamran works!) with the Empire State Building in the background thing really appeals to me in how singularly New Yorky it is. Even usually-dumb Akon adds to it with his leather pants! I want to do that, too! To PJ Harvey’s “You Said Something“, obviously. I would of course have some scenes in the light room up there, though (if it even still exists):

Top of the Rock Target Light Room
Look how young we are!

Top of the Rock Target Light Room
And how much better-looking Kamran is now!

All I need is the leather pants.