I just think it’s so sweet of couples everywhere to join in celebrating my four year, five month anniversary with Kamran today.
Oh, it’s Valentine’s Day, you say? I had no idea.
See, while the rest of you will be busy eating romantic dinners, receiving roses at your various workplaces to make your single co-workers jealous, deciding if you’re going to share any of the chocolates from your Godiva sampler, or in the absolute most embarrassing case, getting proposed to, I’ll be sitting home alone.
My boyfriend of four years and five months will be taking a bar exam prep course for twelve hours and then spending the rest of the evening in the library with his study partners. (Who are both male, if there was some concern.)
He’s promised to take me to dinner and shower me in chocolate once the bar is over in another week and a half, but in the meantime, I’m on my own. We usually do laundry together on Sundays, but he was studying all day yesterday, so I went to my own apartment but foolishly volunteered to come back to his place to do it alone tonight. On Valentine’s Day.
So I’m going to wear my t-shirt that says, “My Boyfriend Totally Loves Me Even Though He’s Making Me Wash His Underwear on Valentine’s Day.” Then I’m going to tap each person in the laundry room on the shoulder and individually tell them that I’m only there because my boyfriend’s training to be a totally important intellectual property attorney.
And then I’ll make a big show of folding the pillowcase I got for him:

That’s not pathetic at all, right?
Is it creepy that I kind of want that pillowcase for Valentine’s Day?
Dammit! That should’ve been my wedding gift to you. With shams and all.
I don’t know if I could sleep on a pillowcase with my own head on it.
We don’t do a lot of sleeping on that thing, ifyouknowwhatImean.
Sorry, um, just kidding.
Are you worried about never seeing Kamran once he’s a for real lawyer? At my firm no one ever gets to go home, and I always wonder if the girlfriends of the hot young associates are constantly annoyed/jealous/lonely/etc. or if they’re easily appeased with presents or free rent. I also wonder about dating lawyers because I find them to be freakishly socially awkward.
Obviously I’m sure Kamran will rise above all of this. Was just glancing around my firm today and pitying you is all.
Of course, I don’t even have someone currently filling my needs monetarily, so what do I know?
Also gotta love how I just referred to my place of employment as “MY” firm, not once, but twice. Wow, Kim.
I can’t imagine you being anywhere and not owning it.
Eww, I just reminded myself of the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” intro. Do you know this thing?
“When I walk into the room, I OWN it.”
“I know how to WORK it and be seen.”
I’m super worried about never seeing him again. I’d like to think that he likes me more than his job, though. And also, he’s basically the smartest and most capable person in the world, so no firm’s going to risk overworking him and tempting him to leave. And also, I have a really nice apartment where I’d like to spend more time, so if he doesn’t come home by dinner time, I’ll punish him by going over there, and then he’ll have to break up with me, and then it won’t be a problem.
I think maybe IP lawyers are different than regular lawyers because they actually have to be smart to do their jobs?
That pillowcase is fantastic, especially with all the crazy folds in it.
And even though you’re alone, you should still make time to do things YOU love, like drinking a bottle of wine and clearing out a box of chocolates. That’s what I would do… you know if I could.
We do have a bottle of port in the fridge that would taste mighty fine with a box of chocolates. Or French macarons. Or Ben & Jerry’s. Or all three.
Great suggestion, especially since it’ll make Kamran jealous! Which is obviously what I want to do to the man who studies night and day so he can afford my fancy dinner habit.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your “baby daddy”!
That is the cutest & funniest V Day gift EVER! LOVE IT!
PS: Don’t be sad. The day I gave birth to my second child my husband left us alone in the hospital to go home to study for the LSATs — and btw, never ended up going to law school. Talk about feeling a little “dumped.” And we are together still….
You’re just gathering guilt cred for later. :) Very cute pillowcase. All together, now – Awwwwww.