I love New York, but I think of most of the other people who live here as miserable narcissists who put razorblades in their Halloween apples and board up their chimneys come December. So it wasn’t surprising to me when on the bus yesterday morning, an otherwise polite woman next to me started going off on the M15 Select Bus Service.
Interesting. I’d be inclined to say Well, this woman obviously isn’t shopping and showing her receipts like the rest of us. Maybe she’s accustomed to a higher ilk of store (do they make you show receipts at Barney’s?) But she’s RIDING THE BUS, for pete’s sake. Hardly the transportation of the golden heeled. Guess she just lacks perspective.
Jesus. What a dipshit. Even here, you have to show your receipt to get out the door at Walmart.
Weird thing to complain about. It’s not like you paid a long time ago and might not have the receipt. Some people are just born bi***ers.