I realize I didn’t say goodbye to you guys, but I’m sure it wasn’t hard for you to figure out that I left on the 22nd of December for Christmas in Ohio and returned to NYC this past weekend to lots of this:

Yeah, that’s trash covered in snow. But they’re recyclables! So that makes it okay.
But also a boyfriend who’d hottly grown out his beard because he’s out out of school and off of work for the next two months to study for the Bar Exam:

And a few lingering Christmas trees not-hidden behind frosted glass:

Now I need to go get caught up on your lives. Did Bachelor Girl give an in-depth account of the events leading up to her notorious Christmas card? Did Serial and Kinard become BFFs behind my back? Is Cristy a medical transcriptioner yet? Did the Super Bowl happen, and was Bluz there to wreak havoc? Has Jessica had her baby yet (I think she has, like, 12 weeks to go, but WHO KNOWS)? And what about Tessa and Julie and Kim and . . .
Welcome back!
That first photo looks like insulation or like The Thing coming to consumer your recyclables.
And no baby yet, thank goodness. I have her nursery in no way ready for her arrival. I think I need to employ the crafty skills of BachelorGirl to get things right.
Now that you mention it, that could be mashed potatoes. Or marshmallow fluff. Or the cloud in a child’s school play. But also maybe The Thing.
What that baby’s room needs is an ice cream lamp! I vote you add it to your shower registry post-haste.
FOUR of my Facebook friends had baby boys in the same span of 48 hours. Clearly, I infect those I know with baby boy.
So basically your name even being in the same paragraph as Jessica’s is going to change her baby from a girl to a boy.
1. I missed you more than is altogether sane and/or normal.
2. Kamran is totally hot with facial hair.
3. Just wait’ll you see our birth announcements one day. Hint: We’re gonna need an RV.
I can’t imagine a level of missing me that is not normal, so I DOUBT IT. But hey, I missed you, too!
Tracey and I thought the Christmas card was totally cute and not at all cheesy! I was expecting something like matching sweaters, a sleigh, and a fake snowball fight, but it looked great.
Tis the season for facial hair. Kevin is growing a beard now too. Everyone at work kept asking him if he lost his razor.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a built-in face-warmer? I end up pulling my scarf up over my nose, and I know everyone looks at me like I’m a terrorist.
I was out of touch for a while, too. No, I haven’t taken my final yet, but I am back in the groove of studying for it after the madness that is the American holiday season. Glad you’re back!
p.s. My hubby looks fabulous in facial hair, and Kamran does, too!
Facial hair (on guys) is hot. I LOVE my husband’s beard. Without it, he looks like a 15 year old in a suit.
It’s a good thing we don’t all live in the same place, or we might get confused and forget which one is Dan and which one is Kamran.
Oh, wait. Maybe it’s just my nephew who can’t tell bearded men apart.
It’d be like a sitcom! Kamran would be bringing you a side of beef from my dad, and Dan would be bringing the cats by to visit me while Kamran was out, and we’d mistake them for each other and end up sleeping with them. And what would be the outcome? We’d find out we like each other’s partner better? We all end up moving in together?
Also, I am totally calling you on making a Beth Comment, but I still love you.
Well, if it’s really a sitcom, everything usually goes back to normal by the end of an episode. So, I imagine that we would love the switch at first, but then we would experience some sort of conflict that made us realize we were truly meant to be with our original guys. We’d all have a good chuckle about it and switch back.