Monthly Archives: November 2010

Either I Give the Population Too Much Comedic Credit, or People are Really, Really Dumb

Filed under living in new york is neat
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Kamran sends me a link to Huffington Post‘s slideshow of the most beautiful photos of the abandoned City Hall subway station.

Some fool comments with this:

I think it is hilarious. Then some other fool comments with this:

And I’m like, “Wait, wasn’t that first commenter being funny?”

RIGHT? It was a joke! No?

My First Wordless Wednesday!

Filed under just pictures
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I’m too busy today to pound something out, so I was gonna be like, “Umm . . . Fake Wordless Wednesday, guys?”

But then I realized that oh, crap, it IS Wednesday. WIN.

Best NYC Store Names #1

Filed under funner times on the bus, living in new york is neat
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After some initial trepidation with the Select Bus Service, I overcame my fears and have been heartily enjoying my bus ride to work with its view of the maybe-slightly-cleaner-and-fresher-than-the-subway great outdoors for the past few days.

My favourite of the things I wouldn’t have seen had I taken the train was this, painted on the side of a cargo van:

Apparently it’s the seafood catering division of the gourmet grocery store Citarella:

And you can bet I’d hire them for my next (first) dinner party if seafood didn’t swim in its own poop.

Not to Suck Up to You or Anything

Filed under good times at everyone else's expense
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Sometimes I’ll read a very funny blog post and see that it has 0 comments and think, “I am going to comment on this pathetic person’s very funny blog post so she’ll feel encouraged to keep blogging despite the fact that not a single person is reading her.”

And then I’ll click on the individual post, and there’ll actually be 1153 comments, so many that the blog author didn’t think it necessary to advertise them all over the main page. And then I’ll feel like the pathetic one, because my last blog post will have gotten 6 comments.

But then I’ll start to read the comments, and the first one is inevitably

and the two that follow are


And suddenly I’ll feel really good about my 6 comments and the fact that they’re always thoughtful and usually more clever than the actual post itself. I say usually so you won’t get a bunch of big heads.

Thanks, guys, for reading and for writing and for being awesome. Especially the being awesome part.

The TV Understands Me: NYC Commercials That are Too True

Filed under a taste for tv, living in new york sucks so hard, stuff i like
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Somewhere out there, there’s a small town that wants you back.

I remind myself of this and then go look at the Facebook profiles of all of my now fat, married, and childrened hometown friends every time I find myself complaining about life in NYC.

This video is also amazing but unfortunately has embedding disabled. It shows exactly what it’s like trying to hail a cab in a city where every man is out for himself.