I know it’s reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal cool and all for Manhattanites to never leave the island, but on the “Millionaire Matchmaker” where the Cute Indie Gay Dude says to the Old Boring Gay Dude in Shorts (OBGDIS), “I live in Greenpoint; do you know where that is?” and it turns out the OBGDIS has never left Chelsea, I want to punch him in his old Botoxed face.

It’s like saying you don’t know where Montana is. It’s like, as Kamran always says, the way people talk about being bad at math like it’s cute or something. But OBGDIS had also never seen “Antiques Roadshow”, so screw ‘im.
I refuse to believe that there is a gay man on earth who has never seen Antiques Roadshow.
In fact, I refuse to believe there is a PERSON on earth who has never seen it.
WTF is wrong with the world today?!
Have you seen the Geico commercial based on the show? It’s so right on it freaks me out.
I’m also so into “Pawn Stars”, which is a total “Antiques Roadshow” ripoff but with actual negotiating about the prices of ancient artifacts!
Geography is hard. I’m adjusting to the way people stare at me blankly when I say I’m from Oregon. One girl thought it shared a border with Canada.
Not to stereotype or anything, but if that girl was from South Carolina, you have to cut her some slack. You might be better off telling us East coasters that you’re from Northern California.
Sometimes I just don’t understand what world people live in that have never experienced these things. What rock have they been under?
I guess I shouldn’t say anything, since I’ve never seen Star Wars. Nor do I own a passport. So they’re probably under the same rock I am.
Oh, um, sorry. The Millionaire Matchmaker wants the OBGDIS to realize how superficial he is, so she puts him in that horrible makeup and gives him a potbelly and makes him walk around the streets of Manhattan and experience how it feels to be judged based on looks.
He didn’t look that different without the makeup, just for the record.
I was thinking the same thing: OH MY GOD, WHO IS THAT SCARY-LOOKIN’ DUDE?
Being ignorant about geography is even less attractive/cute than being bad at math. That’s pretty much why most of the world hates Americans. If you aren’t even aware of other areas of your own city, much less the world at large, you should go ahead and just shoot yourself now.
I guess I assume everyone watches the same awful crap I do while they wait for their boyfriends to come home from class. The Millionaire Matchmaker put that guy in scary warty makeup to teach him a lesson about his superficiality that of course failed.
I’d love to know when education became basically last on the list of the U.S.’s values. And then I’d like to birth some overachieving Asian children of my own.
Education and empathy. And, you know, a soul. That’s what most Americans are missing.
Scratch that. I don’t want to be bigoted. I shouldn’t have ripped on Americans like that. What I meant to say is: “That’s what most humans are missing.”