Sometimes when I’m in the elevator up to Kamran’s apartment, I’ll dig around in my bag for my keys for so long without finding them that I’ll start to believe everyone’s noticing it, and it becomes embarrassing for me to the point that I’ll pull something else entirely unrelated out with an expression of triumph like, “Ah-ha! Found what I was looking for all along, you guys!”
And it’ll end up being, like, my checkbook. Or a baggie of ice, because yes, I steal ice from my workplace. I somehow believe this is better than continuing to dig.
Funny, I never have that problem with my wallet. Must be a chick thing.
I do the same thing, but it’s always when I’ve finished checking out at the grocery store. What’s worse holding up the line and getting angry stares? Or trying to keep the cart from ramming your car while you dig in the parking lot?
Why do you steal ice from work? This is probably a good story, right?
I’m glad I’m not the only one who was wondering.
Oh, and I’d probably pull out a baggie of peed-on underpants or a Happy Meal toy or something…you know…if it was my bag.
You know, I’ve actually wondered before why it takes you so long to find things in your bag, but now that I’m carrying a super-deep purse THAT YOU HELPED ME PICK OUT, I’m having the exact same problem.
I’m so neurotic about having my keys ready, though, that I’d probably dig them out on the train and transfer them to my pocket so I’d have easy access to them.