Colbert + Hipsters 4-Eva

Filed under living in new york sucks so hard

Guess who isn’t filling out the census. Everyone in my neighborhood!

And Colbert did a segment about it:

Isn’t irony adorable?


  1. Noel says:

    So…how about you? Or is that a rude question?

    • I don’t think it’s rude. I definitely filled mine out, because I want funds for my neighborhood! I want a new library and more subway service and a movie theatre!

      And also because I’m a communist who supports Obama’s pinko agenda.

  2. bluzdude says:

    Maybe it would help if the Census Bureau told them they could Twitter their information.

  3. Tessa says:

    “Sorry, Videos are not currently available in your country.”

    I love the way they capitalized the V. And made it sound like no videos at all are available in “my” country.

    • I am delighting fully in this, as I was unable to buy An Education for my Kindle in “my” country, but it’s totally available in yours.

      Anyway, Colbert’s an American thing. You wouldn’t understand.

      • Tessa says:

        I’m pretty sure “You wouldn’t understand” is in my top 5 most hated things to be told. I do or I don’t, but I wouldn’t? TRY ME AND WE’LL FIND OUT.

        Maybe I’m just feeling unreasonably tetchy.

        Or maybe I just dislike the transition from “an American thing” — as if I weren’t. American, that is. Thing I can just about accept.

        It’s like the accent, this sort of being boxed OUT and never in. Americans laugh all ho-ho-ho jolly about how unAmurrican I sound and British people ask me when I’m leaving Their country as if I were some sort of migrant shrubbery picker. They can all just go hang, each and every last one of them, except the Californian with the Newfie, because he was extreeemely sociable and smiley and gosh-hi-I-love-all-you-English-let’s-chat-for-ages with all the other guests, but when he thought nobody was looking, I’d catch him looking pensive and almost — not quite — a hair away from morose. And I could tell he was actually thinking about something beyond the cream tea or isn’t-it-lovely-to-see-sun-on-Dartmoor.

        • In junior high and high school, all of the girls used to wear shirts that said, “It’s a volleyball thing. You wouldn’t understand.” Or “It’s a girl thing. You wouldn’t understand.” So annoying. Not quite as annoying as being subtley asked to leave the country, but still. I kind of wish I said “pop” instead of “soda” just to show I’m not from here, but NOBODY’s from here, so I guess I couldn’t be made to feel bad about it.

          I imagine that Americans love your lack of American twang, though, right? My whole office gets a total kick out of our German intern who says “sweatpanties” instead of “sweatpants”.

          Anyway, no offense meant. Just conjuring up old grammar school woes.

          • Tessa says:

            Oh, like I said, I’m just being tetchy. Sorry.

            I’m sure the Americans don’t mean it rudely, but it’s very much this delighted, amused, “Wow, you’re totally not one of us any more!” exclusions.

            Ohmahgawd I am sooo dragging down your blahgue.

            Happy things! Ginger and lemongrass! Chocolate and peanut butter! Pesto and pasta! Garlic and lemon! Blueberries and walnuts! Basil and anything, ever! Realizing your coworkers really will miss you when you go! The lamination on boxes of hair dye! Double glazed windows and the sods who love them! Blue ink!

  4. I must be getting old. I filled out my census form AND I didn’t lie and say I was black, which I usually do when questionnaires ask about race.

    • You know poor black kids all over aren’t getting into college because privileged white folks keep writing that they’re black on their SATs before they go on to score 1600s, thereby leading college boards to think that the tests aren’t racially-biased.

      Just kidding. I don’t care if black kids get into college.

      Just kidding! I totally do care.

      Just kidding.

      (Just kidding.)

    • Tessa says:

      Both of my parents were born in Brazil; my skin is paper white (pale porcelain when I’m “tanned”). To spite everybody who conveniently forgets Europeans migrated to South America as well as North America, my whole public school life I put down “Hispanic” as my race on test score bubbly questionnaire things.

      • There are Etts in Brazil, I learned a few years ago. I assume they were Nazis, naturally.

        You do have a certain Shakira-like attitude that’s sorely lacking in the other girls I know.

  5. Dishy says:

    I filled in my census as soon as it arrived and I enjoyed doing it. I am nerdy like that.

  6. Tracey says:

    We lost our census form! Can you believe it? Not that they probably needed to count more white married couples living in housing communities where I live, but still! We could have added to the tiny childless demographic. Not filling it out makes me feel dirty.